China Makes MASSIVE Move Towards A Cashless Society!

in #money7 years ago

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the dramatic move by the People's Bank of China towards a cashless society following a major Bitcoin crackdown by the communist country.

Of course, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Steem are decentralized, this is one of the many reasons there's so much potential value behind them. They are in essence, freedom!
But when central planners and manipulators peddle a cashless centralized cashless society, we know we're in for trouble.
When your money's in the bank, it's not yours, it's the bank's. When your money's always going through the bank via digital transactions and you never hold it in your hand, it's never yours and it's always the bank's.
As the IB Times Reports,

"The chief of China’s central bank, Zhou Xiaochuan, reportedly said the Chinese government plans slowly to eliminate cash and develop a national blockchain currency. The government doesn’t plan to adopt bitcoin as Chinese legal tender, but it definitely is investing in official bitcoin regulation. This represents a dramatic shift for Chinese regulators, who temporarily shut down all Chinese bitcoin exchanges in 2014. Xiaochuan admitted the transition would be a slow process."


This seems to show that the regulators are always looking for new ways to capitalize on their control complex and push people out of any remnants of a free market in modern times.
It appears that the BRICS countries and the western IMF globalist countries are competing for who can enslave us first.
Of course the IMF is attempting to push a digital SDR (Special Drawing Rights) world currency on the populace which would dramatically destroy privacy, rack up taxes world wide, shove us into debt and of course shove us into servitude to the banking and global government cartels.

This is why we need to continue to educate before it's too late!
Decentralization is key and we need to make people understand this rather simple concept, complicated by the establishment.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


Very interesting story Josh, Great Job Indeed!

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