In this pandemic the increasing psychopathologies

in Project HOPE4 years ago

The pandemic has everyone in a very difficult situation, it has managed to break any routine and balance that might have existed until December last year.
There is something reasonable here, and we certainly need to stay very focused so that we do not go in as individuals in cases as well. And it is not to be criticised that for a good part of the population psychopathological manifestations are the order of the day, since there are factors that exert great pressure for this to be so.

I invite you to continue reading this publication and to know which are these factors that contribute to the increase of anxiety.

Knowing them will allow us to have more control over these, as well as being able to identify them in another and be able to provide help.



The whole situation that we have had to assume is technically an unexplored territory for all of us, and has left us defenseless against something that we cannot even see, adding to this that this situation can be prolonged in time indefinitely or at least unknown, and that this invisible enemy (Coronavirus) could infect anyone, including us.

Covid-19 is highly contagious, and is usually aggressive in most cases, which is why it is literally uncontrollable for modern man, and assuming that we usually control everything - or almost everything-, as well as always quantifying everything, the fact of not being able to do it, of facing something that is out of our control, no doubt it can be something.

Before this reality we are totally limited beings... and we don't usually see ourselves in such a way, this is very shocking in our mind.

The levels of anxiety in most people I can talk to have increased, the main reason I can say that they are the same in everyone:

  • Getting sick and dying: No wonder, in the face of so much information circulating around the networks and people in general becoming saturated with it. Currently seeing increasingly high figures of death per day in countries considered great powers, always enters the doubt that it will happen in the country where we are, To that is added that adults, breadwinner, see a greater psychological burden even thinking that it will be his family if he or she sick or die from this disease.
  • The uncertainty of not knowing what is going to happen with regard to employment, income, etc. It is not a lie to anyone that the economy is in recession, a product of the same pandemic. Many companies have closed and it is not known if it will be while this global situation finishes happening or simply they closed not to open any more. This possibility of many becoming unemployed, and not being able to earn enough to support themselves, has the minds of many in total chaos. And it raises the anxiety levels of much of the population.
  • Quarantine or social isolation: Consider the following, most of us are used to stay at least 10-12 hours in the street, to go out for work, education, and all the routine that we have in our daily lives, we are social entities and also animals of habits, of routines. Having to stay all day, every day in a condition of isolation increases the chances of outbreaks of anxiety.

Added to this is the fact that many families do not get along very well, and this confinement exposes these realities, exposes them and allows the aforementioned factors to worsen the problems in families already dysfunctional. This is a serious social problem today.

However, all this is surmountable, in the next publication I will bring for all of you a series of tools that can be very useful to avoid falling into complicated family situations that lead to worsening the already complex situation brought about by the current reality.

Thank you very much for reading me.

See you at the next reading.



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Good post about the consequence of COVID and quarantine on our minds.

I just noticed you said we are use to be out 12 hours a day, do you mean like at work on in the street?

Finally, your s;all paragraph about families and couples not used to spending 24/7 together is unfortunately true... We have seen an increase in domestic violence since the beginning of the confinement.



Yes, for work reasons we usually stay away from home a lot. And who works away from home, even longer.

Yes, unfortunately that's information they keep hidden, domestic abuse.

Violence against women and children, surely it has also increased, you have touched on a sensitive subject @vlemon, I hope it doesn't make the situation worse.

The last few months have really been a tough one. I wonder how possible it is not to talk about about it since it is what we now have to face all day.

Truthfully, there have been an alarming rate of violence since the confinement began since families aren't used to spending the whole day together.

The fear of this virus hitting a love one is what scares a lot of people even more than them contracting it ( maybe the heroic feeling) :)

This is an amazing post

I appreciate your comment, very much.

Unfortunately, yes, many families are making their relationship worse. It's a reality, I've heard of cases

Thank you very much @ben-edom

It started off as something we could all ignore but unfortunately, it has become something we cannot ignore any longer.
Some good wealthy people have contributed to provide for the poor in my country but do you know that some local chairman's still see it as an opportunity to get rich quick and they refuse to share the food item appropriately, people could be so greedy to the point of seeing others die.

I must comment on something personal in this, so I can answer you.

The harsh situation in Venezuela has caused many to emigrate to other countries. Some developed countries have contributed millions of dollars so that the nations that receive Venezuelans can provide them with health care, education, even food. Many governments have stolen that money, and they don't help the Venezuelan population. That was before the pandemic. Now that situation is worse.

Thank you for your comment @oluwatobiloba

I really do not understand how people can get to a level where greed drives them to a point where they become inhuman, stay safe dear friend.

 4 years ago 

Dear @josevas217

And again, C-19. Very HOT topic, isn't it?

Every day I wake up and go to bed thinking about consequences of this virus. On our health, social behaviours, economy and climate change (which will occur sooner or later).

The levels of anxiety in most people I can talk to have increased, the main reason I can say that they are the same in everyone:

It's really hard to sleep sometimes, isn't it?

ps. Lately I've realized that sooner than later "talking online" about coronavirus may get us in trouble. Russia already introduced heavy penalties for spreading panic/fear or "fake news" related to covid-19.
I strongly believe that EU and us will follow very soon. so I will personally limit myself to reading about it, but I really comment or post anything related to this topic. Just in case.

Upvoted already :)
Cheers, Piotr

No doubt, my friend @crypto.piotr Beyond the worries that all this brings, there is also the fact that one gets used to being active, and confinement makes the person become inactive, and can also disrupt sleep.

Everything is going to change, everything is changing. And suddenly. Governments are likely to become increasingly authoritarian and limiting. Unfortunately.

At this point now, it is a matter of survival and not enriching. A lot of changes will happen after this pandemic but currently, we need each others to stay strong.

The pandemic is causing more havoc than infecting people. I can imagine how many divorce cases the court will have to hear after the pandemic.

The consequence of this virus is really great, the death rate is extremely scary and what the economic future holds is much more scary.

Excellent reflective touches that you have provided us in this article referring to the anxiety that has been generated due to covid-19, I believe that really what has altered these levels is the confinement product of the social quarantine, the other the economic impossibility to generate income also product of the confinement at world-wide level to which covid-19 has us.

However, I think that it is time to reflect together as humanity and ask ourselves

What have we really done wrong that we have to live this as humanity?

However, I think that it is time to reflect together as humanity and ask ourselves: What have we really been doing wrong that we have had to live this as humanity? I ask this reflective question because every action generates a reaction, currently we know the reaction but we do not know the exact and precise action that generated this whole pandemic, although I can certainly say that it is the bad actions of humanity that triggered all this.

I have been fascinated to read your article since it leaves us thinking about so many things, thanks friend for sharing this very thoughtful article with all of us. Greetings

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