Has the Global Internet Failed?

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Recently there was a worldwide internet outage, there was an affectation of many websites and even applications were affected. Of course, we are talking about centralized content distribution network, this is one of the big problems they have, if there is a coordinated attack by some hackers, they can wreak havoc for sure.

This led me to think about different things, one of them, which surely could mortify many people, and that is the fact that there are many of us who live from Internet activities, probably many thought that this could be the beginning of an escalation of attacks, because we know that many important things are happening worldwide, cyber attacks to gasoline plants, one happened recently in the United States, which produced a great chaos, in the middle of a pandemic there were also attacks to hospital operating systems, crazy just to think about it, but yes, that happened.


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So the fact that this has happened recently should make us think about the vulnerability of the world's internet networks, that because they are centralized most of them are easier to attack. Now, you also have to think that nowadays a lot of data is stored in the cloud, a lot of the information that circulates is in the cloud, is it really protected?

I also thought about how great the Blockchain is, the reality is that the possibility of this happening with a blockchain is very difficult, the decentralization brings with it a much higher level of security against this type of attacks, the same reason that makes the transmission of data slower, because several verifications are needed, is what makes it much more secure.



I feel that technologically speaking we have a lot of progress today, but at the same time we are more exposed, for example personal information is freely exposed in different social networks, and this is used in favor of some companies, in short, security now we must consider it not only from the physical point of view, but of social exposure in the networks, of safeguarding personal information, among many other things.

I wanted to share some thoughts with whoever likes to pass by, and perhaps, to know what they think about it.

Thank you very much for reading my post.

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Hi @josevas217
There is certainly a parity between technological advances and hackers, which translates into greater vulnerability despite all the security systems that are implemented.
However, all of this is part of life and of humanity itself.
Excellent reflection, thanks for sharing.
Have a great day!

As technology advances, so do hackers improve their attack strategies, it is a sad reality. You have to be careful, in so many aspects, that sometimes it is difficult to do it in everything. But you have to try.

I think like you in the sense that we are exposed and somehow vulnerable today companies work under the concept of big data and all our data are shared and related remembering that we are in the information and knowledge society. A friend of mine had something happen this week that I really didn't believe would happen in our country, not because we have the best online data security system, but rather because of the lack of many advances that in other parts of the world there are, but well it happened that they emptied the hard drive of his computer leaving everything blank, the problem is that it was the computer where he works, He is a composer and music editor, he has his own recording studio and I can't tell you how many hours of recording he lost himself and the people who pay for his professional services, he received a message on his cell phone where he was told that to return all the information he had to transfer 3 thousand $ to an account and the information would return, my friend is still crying inconsolable. And by the way I saw the message and the blank computer is very hard.

It's terrible what happened to your friend, I'm sorry. But that's how it is, at the slightest carelessness we lose a lot.
That is a virus that even through email could have entered, but he must have clicked on something he didn't know about, and allowed it to enter, this has been done even in hospitals.
It is always necessary to back up the information, that is for security, it is better to invest in external memory than to go through things like this.

Hi @ josevas217
technological advances and attacks by malicious people such as hackers, make us vulnerable. More and more varied protections are being modernized but new attacks emerge.

Yes dear @sacra97
Unfortunately everything is advancing, even the attacks and ways to breach security is very advanced too.

For my part, it makes me think more about the security offered by the blockchain, which in comparison with ordinary data in the cloud, reinforces our confidence, because it is not the same to break the security of a company with a few backup servers, than to a huge chain of users who do not hide their data chained. (pun intended)

Yes, I can see the pun. In the Blockchain everything is exposed, and because it's chained, it's harder to hack.... Very difficult.
Thanks for commenting.

Hi dear friend @josevas217

a lot of the information that circulates is in the cloud, is it really protected?

I think not, really everything is vulnerable and hackable in some way, that's why many important people spend money on digital security and there are companies dedicated to that, but just as a good hacker can wreak havoc.

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