Do you have any idea what a Smart Contract is?

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Being in the world of blockchain and cryptomongering it is very common from the beginning to find a range of new concepts, generally most people are scared and feel overwhelmed with the novelty, more if it is about things that are even related to money a great fear comes (often) when they begin to see that the keys used in the cryptomund are not as they are usually used in some networks, they are also amazed that the data (balances, transfers and other transactions) are visible to everyone, because they generally feel safe with the supposed transparency of the centralized banks.

But, things have been changing for a long time, this time I want to explain with simple words what a Smart Contract is.



I can say that the term contract is handled by most people, those documents that have written the terms of different agreements we reach with some person, entity, company or any entity, and must be executed once it is signed by both.
Of course, it is to be noted that it can happen that some of the signatories do not comply with their commitment and can bring legal problems and all that we already know.

But in this publication I want to talk about Smart Contracts, I started talking about those contracts signed because that's what the common denominator handles but the big difference between the first one and this second one that adds the word Smart is that this last one is executed only, they are fulfilled automatically.

Do you understand? possibly not, or maybe yes, it's very common for people with a traditional belief and background to have a hard time understanding this kind of newer stuff, but, come on, we're in a chain of blocks where a lot of things are automatically executed, or not?you want an example? let's go with it:

  • The publications that we make in this platform have a circulation of 7 days, which can be voted and rewarded for what you have brought to the community of steem, once the 7 days of the post are concluded, no more no less, the benefits are distributed to each one, what goes to the curators, author, beneficiaries, etc. There is no turning back on this.

Haven't you thought about the clever way this works? It's wonderful, isn't it? Everything is pre-set, and when the conditions are met, it runs... I'm not saying that this is a INTELLIGENT CONTRACT specifically, but that it serves as an example to illustrate it.

The SC are basically a Computer Programs that are executed when the conditions previously written in this program are met. If no intermediary, without anyone giving the order. This seems to be difficult to understand for many, who opt for the traditional form of contracts, partly out of ignorance and also, in my opinion, because it is still not as widespread as it should be. As far as the legal aspect is concerned, I could say that it is the computer code of this programme that is responsible for ensuring that the agreement is complied with once the conditions are in place.

Every time its use will be more extended, and I hope more accepted too.

Have you heard about this? What do you think?
I'd like to read your opinion in the comments.



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Hello dear @josevas217, thanks for sharing.

Very good publication, well explained and very easy to understand. Most of us when we get here there are usually a number of terms we read for the first time that are very difficult for us to understand.

At first it was hard for me to get familiar; Whales, ecosystem, dolphins, stake, blockchain was something totally new applied to this technology.

Thanks for commenting @fucho80
That's what I always try to do, to explain in a simple way. I know that there are many things in this ecosystem that can complicate our lives at first, the idea is to facilitate the process.

 4 years ago 

Dear @josevas217

Funny enough - I've heard about smart contracts so many times and I always found it difficult to fully understand what it is. I'm surely one step closer to understanding this topic now - after reading your publication :))

it's very common for people with a traditional belief and background to have a hard time understanding this kind of newer stuff,

it surely would help to have some experience as a programmer. The way "logic" works in world of programming is very different from our common-logic.

Thx for that, Upvote on the way :))
Yours, Piotr

Yes, programmers generally have the ability to understand the logic of the world (we could say) and the logic of computing. I'm glad I gave some help here. It's good to know that through what one writes can help clarify certain issues.

Thanks for the comment @crypto.piotr

Great information that feeds us in areas that I still particularly feel ignorant about. Very well explained in simple words, the less intermediaries there are and the more directop the process, the less room for error. Thank you for sharing, dear @josevas217. My support in #toptres.

Gracias por comentar @marybellrg
Sé que estas cosas pueden confundir a muchos. Procuro explicarlo con palabras sencillas. Hago el intento.

Lo haces muy bien, querido amigo, tu lenguaje es didáctico, ameno y sencillo, espectacular!...

I'd like to read your opinion in the comments.

Me too, but nowadays I rarely see real human comments on the Steem blockchain. Nowadays most of the Steem blockchain posts are ignored and overlooked, because the majority of the Steem blockchain users are selfish and greedy. They focus only on their own posts, but they do not care about other people's posts.

As for the subject of this post, I understand the concept of the smart contract, but I consider myself as an open-minded person towards technology, and I am relatively young. I mean that I will be 28 years old on 2020.09.17.

To be short, smart contract is a kind of automatization. It runs without any human intervention. For example nowadays I set automatic reward claiming on SteemAuto for my Steem account every two hours (set by the program), and my Steem account casts automatic upvotes in curation trails with a voting weight of 75% (set by myself) and above 80% voting power (also set by myself).

Hello friend @xplosive

Yeah, I was checking out your blog, I see you basically post for the steemmonster community
I mean, I understand what you mean about no comment in the papers. But, I invite you just to take a look at the project.hope community, for example. Which can also be written about games.

We have a policy there that interaction in other users' posts is necessary. If you look at the feed, you'll see that you won't find any posts that are unreviewed, unless they have a short time remaining. From the rest, and this is a big difference, you will see posts with up to 15 or more comments. We try to get everyone actively involved.

Thank you for commenting. Your comment is welcome, it is a good observation.

And as for the subject of the post, I think that little by little we have all been acquiring training with respect to all the new things in technology, however, there is still a long way to go, to educate the public so that they are not afraid of the new things.

 4 years ago 

We rock! :D

That's right. Heh heh heh.

 4 years ago 

Your explanation is right on point buddy.

That's what it's all about, interaction.

Very well explained @josevas217, I think that the new always takes us by surprise, and many of us are afraid to face the change, the novelty, but there are more and more changes that we will experience, every time there will be new information that we must learn, it is a question of practice and that we inform ourselves.

And this intelligent contract is very beneficial for the whole society, the less intermediaries we have to make our transactions much better and safer!!

Exactly, we must not close ourselves off from changes, because whether we like them or not, they will come. They are still happening every day, and even more so if we talk about technology.


Con el apoyo de la familia.

Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

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