Did an interview with Where Are We!

in #newmusic4 years ago

Did an interview with Where Are We about music influences, future releases, and his recently-released score for the stoner-horror short-film "Budfoot".

Check out interview along with other new music: INADRM.com/radio


Using modular and analog synthesizers, drums, fuzzed-out basses, and Ableton as his sound-design tools of choice, Christopher Ian Brooker (Where Are We) of Atlanta, GA, US creates sonically captivating film scores and songs by blending the boundaries between electronica, psych-rock, kraut-rock, ambient, trip-hop, and sludge to create something entirely his own

Joseph Corrao: What originally inspired you and made you want to make music?

Christopher Brooker: My Grandmother (a classically trained pianist and opera coach) introduced me to the piano around the age of 5. I always hated practicing but found myself getting lost in writing and exploration. Eventually I got into guitar and Jimi Hendrix/Pink Floyd/Led Zeppelin in my preteens and then electronic music like Massive Attack and Boards of Canada in high school.

J.C:That is awesome that she took the time to introduce you to the world of making music. I agree, sound exploration and writing is always so much more intriguing than practice. Since you score films as well as compose songs, how does scoring a film differ from your normal methods of writing?

C.B: It's completely different and I really love it for that. In normal writing mode I have to find the inspiration that drives me to write a tune, idea, or patch but with scoring the inspiration is already there, I just have to channel it through the music. It's so liberating! I don't really have to think, I just listen/see what the scene needs and go for it. To invoke emotion, the process also challenges me to think far outside the box. With normal song writing, I'm thinking of hooks and structure, but with scoring I'm doing everything based on emotion and timing. It's refreshing to say the least!

J.C: That sounds like a liberating and refreshing writing process! It gives me a lot of ideas just thinking about it. Has scoring affected the way you approach writing songs now?

C.B: Definitely. As I stated before, it changes the process by which I come to a completed piece and has thus completely changed how I approach traditional song writing. Since I have started scoring, I've noticed that I put a lot more effort into dynamics. There's something about extending quiet parts and adding more space that really makes things pop in a way I hadn't really explored previous to this. It's also emboldened me to take more risks in my productions and decisions. When you don't have to worry about hooks, structures, or making something immediately digestible, it makes you less drawn to those elements in the traditional song writing world.

Joseph Corrao: That is incredibly informative. Seems like a process that any musician who wants to see dynamics in a new light should try, at least as an exercise. It is inspiring to hear about the styles of songwriting overlap. What would you say is your favorite part of music, what do you enjoy most about it in general?

Christopher Brooker: Exploration. I think that there's a magic and mystique to exploring the world of sound for yourself. You start to dive into these tones and textures and find that they start to speak to you in a primordial way. There's a ritual to our exploration of sound too that touches something innately human. In a time where everyone seems connected because of our ability to communicate through the internet, we forget the magic of being in a physical space and doing something together as a single physical entity. Music seems to be this tradition that unfortunately gets taken for granted.

J.C: Thank you for your insight, I completely agree. To go further on one point, that primordial experience you speak of is why I try to encourage everyone to play music, especially if it’s just for themselves. There is so much inherent value that comes from exploring the world of sound for yourself. What is next for Where Are We, what can we look forward too?

C.B: With the video release of “Budfoot” now done, I'm going to drop a special version of the score on 4/30/20. This version is condensed and remixed to play better in a musical environment and I'm super excited about it. I also created a little companion video for it as well that I'll be releasing on IG and Youtube. I also just finished mixing my album “In Continuum” and am figuring out a release for it as we speak. So far, the response I've had from the few people I've played it to, has been stellar. I can't wait to get to share it with the world.

Joseph Corrao: Awesome! I can’t wait to hear the new album. That’s a lot to look forward too. If people don’t want to miss out on all that is to come, they should definitely follow you (links below) and check out your website www.wherearewe.info. About the recent score that you did for the movie “Budfoot”, what was your favorite part of scoring this film?

Christopher Brooker: Working with such an amazing team. Everybody that was involved with Budfoot is insanely talented in their own right, so having them all on one project makes for a really fun, engaging time.

J.C: That is great to hear, It looks like it would have been a lot of fun to be part of! Is there anything else you would like to add that I didn’t ask?

C.B: With the state of the world being what it is right now, a lot of people are starting to realize what values they really hold true to themselves. There's so much more to life than politics, money, and work and we all need to take this time to really assess that. Look at things differently, challenge your own beliefs, start to really live a life that is actually healthy for you and don't let ego or pride get in the way. We're all seeing the veil being lifted and the truths of the world are coming tumbling out. Most people are justly frightened, but I see this is a huge opportunity for us to come back BETTER than we were before. With the little (or large) changes that we make individually, we can truly make a global quantum shift a reality.

Follow Where Are We at his site: wherearewe.info

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