Woman At Nail Salon Shows How Cruel And Nasty Racism Is

in #racism6 years ago

Karen Vu, owner of the nail salon is the unfortunate victim who suffered emotional and verbal abuse at the hands of a mad woman.

'“If they don’t understand the language, they should go back to their own country,” the woman can be heard saying in one video, later telling Vu, “If you can’t explain something you’re charging for, then yeah, there’s a problem.”'

I have seen many videos similar to this one and even though they were all equally nasty, this one had me sick to my stomach. How someone can sit there and unleash such poison without the sense of embarrassment or morality is shocking.

I salute Karen Vu for responding with kindness and trying to make the best of the situation she sadly had to deal with that day and my guess would be that she has encountered such hate in her past.

It's quite unfortunate and heart-wrenching.



Hard to know what to say; it's a great shame that there are people like this around. Not entirely surprised though — I see this sort of thing happening in stores owned by minorities sometimes. My wife gets pedicures from a place owned by a Vietnamese lady who's about the nicest person you could want to meet (and she's married to a US Marine!) and she says sometimes there are "these elderly rich white biddies" who just sit there and make off-color remarks.

It's just really upsetting...

It's amazing how people continue to claim they have love in their hearts yet their actions show they have hidden poison in the same heart.
Love is what we are born with,
Hatred, racism are what we learn.
The world we be a better place if we see others as we see ourselves.

It's world trust, every person has dual faces. Anyhow I always prefer home salon services like Gharpar offered.

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