The bitterness that causes the lack of forgiveness

in #sc-v6 years ago

The love of God surpasses all understanding, what for us is so difficult to do in love, for He is not, for He is love.

In general, people condition our way of loving; that is, it is easy to love who treats you well, who does not refute your way of thinking or your way of being, but what if we go further and begin to truly analyze the way we are loving our neighbor, for example : At this moment do you remember someone who has hurt you and when you remember that person or that event, do you feel pain? If your answer is yes, I am sorry to tell you that your way of loving is conditioned and you are not loving in a true way as God wants us to do.


At some point in my life I thought that I had already forgiven some people, but as time passed, the Lord put me to the test and each time He asked me to do an act of love and mercy with one of these people, I felt resistance and the pain that had caused me was revived at that moment, then I understood that my heart was still not healthy and that there was a lack of forgiveness towards those who had caused me pain.

Many people will say, but that is how it is done to forgive someone who did so much damage; that is precisely where the point is, we believe that we are the ones who do the work, we believe that we have the authority and the right to give or withhold forgiveness from someone. Forgiveness is not a matter of feeling or wanting to do it, forgiving is a commandment from God, we just have to do it and how, because by deciding to do it, the Lord will be responsible for making it difficult to "heal our hearts".

When you withhold forgiveness from someone, first of all you are offending God because you are putting yourself above Him and secondly, you are denying yourself the possibility of being free and of the other person getting rid of that lack of forgiveness . Do not tie yourself and do not bind others for your lack of forgiveness, understand that the only person who will lose is you if you act in this way; Little by little the bitterness and pride will take over your being and many of the blessings that God pours out on your life you will stop enjoying them for being busy in hating and keeping that resentment in your heart. The lack of forgiveness causes bitterness, you have the decision and God has the authority to heal your heart, it is enough that you give him that hatred, resentment or lack of forgiveness to Him, and He will take care of doing the rest. If someone has hurt you, tell Daddy God that in the name of Jesus Christ you decide to forgive that person and that it is He who begins to heal and bring the peace that your heart so badly needs. Likewise, if you have offended someone, ask for forgiveness in the name of Jesus and in this way you will be breaking the chains of guilt and condemnation that have been enslaving you during your life. Do not worry if you do not have the opportunity to ask for forgiveness from that person directly, maybe you can not find it, maybe you do not have enough humility to do it or in the worst case, that person could even have left this world Yes, it's amazing, there are people who are bitter and who suffer because of the lack of forgiveness towards someone who has already died.

It is not possible that we continue talking about the love of God, if in our heart there is a lack of forgiveness. "Forgive us the wrong we have done, just as we have forgiven those who have done us wrong." Matthew 6:12 (God Speaks Today).

Guard your heart of unforgiveness, ask God to give you a heart full of love and mercy and you will see that little by little you will experience the true freedom that our Beloved Jesus Christ, in his infinite grace, grants us when we repent before Him with a contrite and humiliated heart.

"So, if by taking your offering to the altar you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering right there in front of the altar and go first to be at peace with your brother. Then you can go back to the altar and present your offering. " Matthew 5:23 (God Speaks Today).

If you have bitterness in your heart, it is because you have not forgiven or have not asked for forgiveness; Be careful, do not condemn yourself for the lack of forgiveness in your heart!


The lack of forgiveness and bitterness are the source of many diseases. Doctors, scientists and researchers have found conclusive evidence that there is a closer connection between mind, body and spirit than had been believed. This necessarily does not reflect a new discovery if you study the Word and receive a revelation from God about the ingrained spirits that take hold of us. The relationship between rejection / rebellion / bitterness and physical and psychological illnesses is not a novelty in the ministry of liberation.

In life we must put aside the bitterness and smile more. Be happy today!

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