When the last rain falls.

in Popular STEM3 months ago

When the last rain falls.

Solar brightness increases over time, although very slowly, we are talking about a rate of an increase of 10% every 1000 million years, even so it is enough so that in the distant future the earth will receive too much heat as to be habitable, when this will happen is not clear, there is debate among experts, some say that 10% would be enough or perhaps a little more, that is, it could be within 1000 or 100 million years when a chain reaction would start which would begin with greater evaporation from the oceans.

Water vapor is a greenhouse gas, in fact, it is the most powerful greenhouse gas of all, more than the famous CO2 or carbon dioxide, why is it not talked about water vapor, the point is that while the Other gases such as CO2 or methane remain in the atmosphere for a long time. It is very easy for our planet to get rid of excess water vapor and it also does so in a very beneficial way for life. It does so by raining, however, within About 10 billion years with the increase in sunlight and the energy that the earth receives from the Sun, water vapor will accumulate and the atmosphere will be too hot to condense it and make it rain in the distant future.

The living beings that are on Earth, in an increasingly overheated earth, will see one last rain fall and when the last drop of rain falls it will be the end and there will be no turning back and the earth will be transformed into what it has already been. Venus has been transformed into a burning hell, with a hyperdense atmosphere of toxic gases. Some put the date for this event within 1000 to 1200 million years, others extend the possibility of life on our planet to 3500 million years. when solar radiation will be 40% more intense.

It is a very distant future that none of us will see, but it is an interesting topic because it gives us an idea of ​​the margin that life has to develop on a planet like the Earth that orbits a star like the sun, in neither case. We will not see it, nor will there be humans and the earth will no longer be our world. Our species, if we do not exterminate ourselves first, will have evolved. New species will have been created from humans and they will see us as we imagine the little mice that were hiding in burrows. in the time of the dinosaurs.

By then, for that distant future, whoever is on Earth could see as an option to escape the hell that is coming, going to Mars, a place that will have more pleasant temperatures and that still preserves part of what were its seas in the form of underground ice. of yore.

The images without reference were created with AI
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