Obtain energy from space with quantum computing.

in Popular STEM10 days ago

Obtain energy from space with quantum computing.

Quantum computing is already recognized for its revolutionary advantages, but imagine using it for something even more impressive, collecting energy, teleporting it and storing it for future use, this is not science fiction, researchers from Purdue University in the United States have managed to do exactly that, transforming a theory of more than a decade and a impressive reality.

Quantum physics as we know is still unveiling its mysteries and many proposed concepts remain challenging, among these fascinating ideas is quantum entanglement, a phenomenon in which particles are so connected that even separated by vast distances, one directly influences the other, now Imagine that not just as a scientific curiosity, but as a way to teleport energy.

In 2008, physicist Masahiro Hotta of Tohoku University in Japan proposed that the fluctuations of quantum fields in apparently empty spaces when entangled could be used for this purpose, as impressive as the idea seemed, it remained only in theory for more than a decade until that research in quantum computing brought new possibilities.

When scientists tried to carry out Hotta's experiments, they managed to teleport the energy, but they ran into a crucial problem: they couldn't store it as it escaped into the environment. That's where the team led by Saber Kais, professor of chemistry and engineering at Purdue University, came in. On the scene, using the fundamental component of quantum computing, qubits found a way to overcome that obstacle.

In the experiment the researchers used qubits in their lowest energy state, even in this state we know that due to quantum fluctuations there is always a small amount of energy present Even in the emptiest spaces when entangling two qubits and separating them any minimal change in the energy state of one of them would cause a corresponding change in the other, even if this change was not immediately visible.

Here's the trick, if it is possible to accurately measure the amount of extra energy present in the entangled qubits that energy could be extracted and surprisingly stored in other qubits to be used in the future, one could argue that this is more of a simulation than an experiment. real, but since the qubits were actually calculating if it could store energy the experiment is currently the closest it can get to reality and the team's next goal is even more exciting to use that teleported energy to perform chemical reactions.

If successful, this practical application could revolutionize our way of managing quantum energy and open doors to technologies hitherto unimaginable. We are witnessing a small but important step towards a new era in science, where the impossible begins to become reality and quantum entanglement. could be the key to a future of teleported and stored energy.


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