My 2019: The last 2019 Showcase Weekend: The best unrated posts.

in #blocktradescontest5 years ago (edited)

The best unrated posts.


I begin by commenting that these three publications that ours are not the only ones that I consider to be good and have not been valued as I have wanted, it could be said that once the review of my blog has been done I consider that there are scores of good publications that have not received the attention and the due urgency, but since the challenge is only three, I chose it highlighting the subject it deals with.

The first publication that I think did not have a good reception, is the one that commented and analyzed a nuclear accident that occurred in Russia and that the Russian government tried to hide but thanks to alternative media such as twitter highlighted the accidents; We are literally playing with fire, with all these forces that humanity thinks they have mastered ...

Another nuclear explosion. The Russians do not learn

The second publication is very personal, as I live in a country in tyranny and our lives have been changing for worse very progressively, as in typical dictatorships throughout the world; and everything has been in continuous chaos, including the economy of the country, I can not afford to look for a professional in the area of the blacksmithing, so I decided to do it with my own hands and experience this ancient art, because I require the construction of several bars for my house for insecurity; and I present how to make a round fence; it's a very hard but satisfying art ...

Experiencing other professions

The third publication that I highlight is related to an application, which was very popular on the internet, the one that makes you old or makes you young; Faceapp; and how companies from different countries can take your data and literally do what you want with them, because you accept the terms when installing them, if those small letters under the terms nobody ever reads ...

Alert!! Applications that take forever your photos ...

Well, these are the three publications that I highlight, in this one that could possibly be one of the last publications I do in this decade ... yes, they have not noticed, greetings are read in the comments, thanks.


Esta publicación ha sido seleccionada para el reporte de Curación Diaria.

final de post.png¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

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