Exoplanet shaped like a rugby ball.

in Popular STEM3 years ago

Exoplanet shaped like a rugby ball.


The European space agency's Cheops Exoplanet Mission has discovered an exoplanet so deformed that it looks like a rugby ball, it is the first time that such a deformation has been detected, which offers us new insights into the internal structure of the so-called starhugger worlds .

They are a type of planets that orbit very close to their star, so much so that they almost embrace it and this particular one does it so extremely close that it takes less than 24 hours to orbit the wave that lasts in it for a year.


The star also has a respectable size, it is 1.7 times larger than the sun and 200 degrees Celsius hotter, it is the star's tidal forces that have deformed the planet known as WASP-103 b, which is almost twice the size of the planet. size of Jupiter and 1.5 times its mass.

Star planet are located about 1,779 light-years away from us in the direction of the constellation of Hercules, well a world hugging stars embraced and deformed, everything seems to indicate that its star will end up falling and end.


But there is a mystery in WASP-103 b, the tidal interactions between a star and a very close Jupiter-sized planet would cause the planet's orbital period to shorten, that is, they orbit closer and closer to the star until they finish engulfed by it however the measurements of WASP-103 b seem to show that the orbital period could be increasing and that the planet is slowly moving away from the star, this is something intriguing it could indicate that there is something else that affects this world besides tidal forces, perhaps another gas giant planet we don't know about, or a companion star pulling WASP-103 b from being consumed in starfires.

Researchers still don't know the answer until the data may not be correct and the orbital period is decreasing, scientists hope to get more information with Cheops and other telescopes and thus shed light on the mysterious star-hugging world with rugby ball shape.

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