Santa's Kandy, A New Addition To The Garden

in #canna-curate4 years ago

Hey Steem/Weedcash! So in my last post, I covered some before flower preparation for my Santa's Kandy cannabis plant. For those just tuning in, Santa's Kandy is a F1 hybrid cross of Steem Og x Kandy Kush that I created a year ago.


I am so stoked about this plant. I can honestly say that this is the best plant I ever have grown. But how did I improve so much, and haven't even grown for over 6 months??


You see, when I was growing in the closet, I did not have to much room to veg out my plants. The biggest pot I could fit in my veg room was a 3 gallon, with 2 being the max that could fit. I also had more then one strain, so not only did I have two 3 gallon pots, but I also had 3-5 Solo cups, in whatever space was left. So I had no choice but to throw plants into flower, when they where not even ready! So me having the space and only focusing on one strain, has elevated my grow game to a level that I never was going to get to in the closet.

There would of been no way to train as aggressively as I have been with this plant. Everyday I have been putting in 1-2 hours of work, bending, folding, pulling, and tieing branches down. Sometimes even more. It is an obsession I have. Like I said before, there is a thrill to bending and manipulating branches to grow the way I want them to grow. What you see is not from no fertilizer, nor is the soil magick. What you see is hard work! Now remember I am a noob to growing, so let this be a testament that hard work does pay, and when it comes to growing, that is part of what it takes to grow the best. One day I hope to get there.


Back when I was growing in the closet, the only way to get fresh air in, was to crack the door open. It was just horrible, but I did manage. But powdery mildew was something I was always battling with. It was a night mare. With this new setup I have, I have vowed to myself that I would never see that shit again. I am not going to use any spray either. So how will I do that?


By keeping the humidity below 50%!

Mold and mildew grows when humidity is high, so it is very important to keep the humidity below 50%, especially in flower. I am so happy that I finally got myself a decent dehumidifier. With the massive canopy that I have, there is no doubt in my mind that PM would of set in if I had not got the dehumidifier. My air intake for the tent is on the bottom right on the back of the tent. I just set the dehumidifier near the intake, and have the dehumidified air being the source of fresh air for the inside of tent. It is working like a charm! Only thing is I have to keep the dehumidfier on constantly. But no worries, I will get a controller that will turn off/on the dehumidifier when my desired level of RH is set.

I actually found two great dehumidifier's on for 60$. I could not believe that I found them for such a low price. I did have to drive 30 miles to go get them, but completely worth it. I did clean them with bleach before I put them in use. It is very important that the indoor grower take the steps necessary to not bring bugs or pathogens in the garden!


I am now on a 12/12 light cycle. 12 hours of light, 12 hours of dark. This is how the plant knows when to flower. Just how in nature the days get shorter in the fall, the indoor grower mimics nature with a timer. There are strains of cannabis that flower automatically, and do not need shorter days. These are called Autoflowers. We actually have a great grower here on Steem that grows Autos, if you are interested in these type of cannabis strains, check out @dr-autoflower.


Well that is it for now. I can not wait to see what the flowers are like on this Santa's Kandy. I am a bit nervous. I do not want to fuck this up. Veg is easy, but flower is where it counts. But with my new edition to the garden, I am very confident that I will do decent, and still say at the end, this is the best plant I have ever grown!! Peace, and be happy my friends. Great things are coming.



Steem on!





looks sensational - told ya you da MAN!!

Posted via

Thank you sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar!

Man this really looks like fire. I remember when it was just a baby and great score on the dehumidifier

Crazy isnt it! It seems so long ago, but it only has been 65 days lol

@tipu curate

Looks GREAT! She's benefiting from all the space, all the light, and all the love and attention! If only every plant in a room full could get that much room and love, eh? But yeah small crops (like 1 plant for example lol) are really fun. Looks like it's locked and loaded to stretch into flower and produce some yummy meds!

Hey man!! Yeah those large greenhouses look cool, but we all know the best is grown by one person, with a small garden. No way a thousand plants can get the love and attention they deserve, ;)

I love it. And I might lern a lot of you next comming time

Posted via

And I can learn from you! That is a win win right there man. DEAL, and !BEER

And I can learn from
You! That is a win win right
There man. DEAL, and !BEER

                 - jonyoudyer

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

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