Hots Or Shots Episode 16! Win 10 Packs Of Steem Monsters! FOR THE DLIVE COMMUNITY

in #dlive6 years ago


Good TimeZone DLive!
We're happy to bring this fine community another episode of
Hots Or Shots
I'll be selecting my favorite comment, relevant to the episode, to receive 10 packs of Steem Monsters!

My video is at DLive


i wish be one of the community 😍 great post dear @jonny-clearwater

Yup! Just remember that your old pal ackza actually cares about you and will give you a comment upvote of 45 cents just for commenting on hotsn shots!

yes it is going good and high

Yup heres a 46 cent upvote for commenting on hots-n-shots!

cool post! keep up the great work! I've added you and upvoted your post to support. Stay connected! Plz cmnt on my blog & and give upvote as a return favour..

Heres a 45 cent upvote! woooo yes we will ALL stay connected! as part of a special one time deal, im giving upvotes to all hots n shots commenters!

That was a great episode. I think she went further than I could have. Kuddos to her. By the way Drew Brees was a great choice.

Thank you

i dont wanna do this shit but u MUST acknowledge that i created this and you were OUT OF LINE calling em a liar as if i took credit for something @disregardfiat spent all day teaching me to build this

SEE? Do you SEE you were mistaken now?

see ive been POSTING about this, im fucking PAYINg to have this privalage, trying to create a JOB , why cant you respect that as one business man to another?

This would be the equivalent of me claiming YOU did not make your own hots n shots episode

read what I wrote...I didn't call you a liar.
I do however appreciate that in your first comment you acknowledge that you used the work of disregardfiat.
A lot of work went into what he built and I did also say that i think it's cool you expanded on that work.
You need a nap bro...relax.
(edit....I've not looked at your personal posts. Just please when in steemspeak, even if it's just while you happen to be arguing with someone, that you continue to acknowledge disregardfiat and the months of work he put into that. That's all)

Just as my own comment: @ackza has been one of the most consistent supporters of mine. Also, all my software is MIT or CCBY licensed and attribution has been given freely as well as more completely as he's learned more and more where different software has come from. I hope everybody can make their own worlds to share and profit from... that's my dream anyway.

Awesome man! And yeah I want to give you almost all credit for most of this but yeah you know there comes a point where we do need to make distinctions between who made what, and it would have been so crucial to have recorded that video haha i KNEW i should have recorded that screencast using OBS! It showed exactly what we did and how much I did learn and how EASY it is to actually begin to make things!

ALl the steemconnect functionality everything it was all @disregardfiat

I want to and will give @disregardfiat credit on every post I make on the software he taught me, some of which is his some of which is not and just opensource, but he did enough and wrote amnnd compiled, brought together enough pieces to build THIS and i STRIVE to get to this level @disregardfiat is at and I am in proces of getting him paid for teaching me! But The point I know @disregardfiat might likely agrees with me is, that if I cannot take credit for my own remix of his project after making sufficient changes, then we can never get people excited about getting to Feel THEY created something of their OWN! When you make a Website form HTML, is it not your creation just because you happened to have used a CSS template that someone else may have actually created? Do you give credit to Tim Berners Lee everytime you write www in your URLs? Are we going to give credit to Nikola tesla for inventing Ac electricity It is really almost the same thing we will never allow people , make changes to the environment, change all the text and positions and rotations and sizes, and add my own unique Lamborghini kuntash and more, well if i cant make that "mine" than we will never get anywhere if everything built on this software is just attributed to one guy..

After working all day with him i felt you all would just love the sandbox but the fact that jonny thought that project file was TOO good for me to have made :D I should just take it as a compliment!

Basically the software makes it easy for anyone to build these worlds, and you cannot take this away from the creator, i created my own fork, yes it was built on the work of disregardfiat and yes he had to teach me how to do every step,but since then I used what he learned and now its my remix, we have to show people that it is EASY to make your own projects! I add beneficiary rewards to my steem posts (Steepshot doenst have them or i would have added the recent ones, but my future steepshot posts will have beneficiary rewards thanks to @steemplus )

I just want to make sure people know this is NOT as hard as it looks when you have a REALLy good teacher like @disregardfiat but you should have a tiny bit of HTML knowledge

I think jonny would love to use this for HotsnShots maybe, fork the project, change the environment, add some hots n shots logos, and he could have his own hots n shots VR sandbox! Could be REALLy cool to have a VR voice chat full of HotsnShots viewers while Jonny does a Dlive or something? Oh well the show isnt live but, if it was ever streamed live on dlive, yeah it would be fun OR if you just upload your show, and you have the VR hotsnshots world, people could walk around in those maps, And you could HIDE qr codes all around the map, qr codes of Steem Accounts with 1 Steem or just codes they can redeem for an Upvote or 0.5 steem giveaway and they can PAy to ENTER your scavenger hunt!

I think it would be REALLY fun to get to pay 1 Steem and get the chance to enter Jonny's VR game and win up to 20 steem and just only allow 10 people to enter! Or 15, or 5 depending on how big you want your profit margin and how tempting you want the game to be. The more steem you put in the more peopel will want to participate. @jonny-clearwater can easily do this (or get his editor to) by just hiding a few QR codes or simple 4 digit numbers all around the game, and whoever types the numbers in the comments of your steem post first gets the steem! And you can make sure there are like 20 1 steem prizes scattered randomly or cleverly around and @jonny-clearwater you could make a VERY fun 3d scavenger hunt without having to create anything complicated, you just add a few pieces of text in a large map, which is very easy, and then just assign those number codes to a list of 20 steem and so u simply let people buy tickets, u can send them their links on discord all at once, they can all wait in the room, and you can make the scene go from black to On, and BOOM, you can start the timer!

Basically a Steem 3d scavenger hunt which gives them time or just see how long it takes the first few people to find the prizes,we may need to tweak the idea of if there is a timer or not, i think there may need to be one but if no one finds ANy steem, they get another round until all the steem is found, but no new steem is put out, so you wont have to pay more than what you get in. You can do it small at first like put 10 steem in the map, and then allow 20 people to join and pay 1 steem each. Maybe we can even make it so the Lamborghini is derivable and if you solve a sub puzzle in the game, you can drive to get around the map faster, and maybe we can have powers like slowing down the other players if you shoot them in game :D oh man this could be huge but just ignore all that new stuff, BACK to the MAIn idea

a SIMPLE simple simple scavenger hunt in this world, we just add some text, images of text or QR code of our own code they will be able to use in discord dm, and these images or codes or qr codes that correspond to a steem prize will be hidden behind boxes and other assets in a big game map, and yeah just have less steem to win in each round than people you allow in for 1 steem :D maybe ,

OOOh if you REALLLy wanna make it Really fun just have 100 steem up for grabs but 200 people each paying 1 steem each for the chance of getting getting to win that 1 steem back, or you can find a few treasure codes that redeem a whole 5 steem, some 10 steem and even 1 x a 20 steem prize ! So what we have is 100 steem as prize money in the game HOWEVER only maybe 50 or so prizes, of differing stem values, maybe even some of them will be less than 1 steem to make it very interesting, so even if you dont find your 1 steem to make your money back, you may still find a 0.1 steem or a 0.25 or a 0.5 steem and people won't feel so bad if they get to at least make some of their money back, and we can make sure theres so many 0.1 , 0.25 and 0.5 steem prizes that people will see so many possible prizes and feel like they at least won something, making them more likely to come back, and everyone who does make at least that 1 steem back will probably come back, and even if you loose it will be so fun watching people drive around in 3d lambos :D hahah No but seriously that come slater but without the lambos, you will just have people running around our maps looking for these qr codes to then scan and then taken to a page which can easily post on steemconnect for them with the code they need to post on our comment OR we just have them POSt that code IN the comments LIKE i said, ill keep it simple... and whoever posts those codes FIRST on the blockchain will get the 1 steem! no discord needed actually!

I believe we already have alll the pieces to do this! All you gotta do is avoid people inspecting the paghe to cheat, by just using images or qr coides to hide the code prizes, or just images of a few nmumber coede which u match up with ur own system, its so fun man anyway, thanks fr giving me teh chance to even come up with the idea for a Hots n shots steem scanavenger hhunt in 3d!

i have been giving disregardfiat credit EVERY step of the way

yes i do need a nap , i have been up all night, its because i was making this stuff! just why assume i am a liar like that!? have I EVER done anything like that? when have i ever just blatantly stolen credit?

I appreciate your appreciation for disregardfiats work but he did not create he has which uses some of that and some of steemconnect and some of a frame and ipfs and i just spent a whole day

Ok i will delete my other comments now just did not do that in this one moment in steemspeak when i happened to be was not meant as a personal attack on you. We just like to bump heads from time to time...take your nap bro

yes yes i should have just explained how i made it with his help instead of going off, i was just itching for a fight i guess but i dont like that feeling i cant get high off the rage ok man glad we were able to talk

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