An Invitation Worth - Heeding


10% of the payout goes to @worldsmile

When the world seems so unfair, someone outthere reached to offer help.
A few days after Typhoon Odette, @bien invited me for a meeting. It was a rainy morning but without a doubt I went and joined. Yes, it was a heart-warming session knowing that we would be part of the smiles of the families who have lost their shelter due to typhoon.


When the meeting concluded, we went on to check and visit the recipients/beneficiaries. True enough, a lot of my fellow Oponganons were greatly affected by the wrath of Odette.



If you noticed, mostly, the houses were made of light materials. With the strength like that of Odette, the damages are evident.

Passing by our neighborhood, not only do they need financial assistance but they also need someone to cheer them up. The feeling of losing your house with nothing in your pocket is just heart-breaking.
With this charity act from @el-nailul and @worldsmile, surely this would make a big difference.



The houses above make use of "trapal" just so they get protected from the heat of the sun and from the rains. Imagine the discomfort they must have expereienced and the happiness they must have felt knowing that they are one of the recipients of 10 sheets.


This house lost it's whole roof. But nonetheless, they are still happy because the whole family is safe. That's what we are all prsying for, that everyone is safe.

Happiness overload? Yes it was a day full of smiles. Being part of a charity is really a fullfilling one. Again thank you to all who have the heart to give and share what they have to others.
See you again in the disttibution of these sheets.

As always,

 3 years ago 

well done te... Dako jud natabang ang team smile... Pakuyoga nya ko ninyo ig next distribution🥰😍😘

 3 years ago 

Sure day. Nagwait ra mi ni @bien for d next move.

 3 years ago 

cge te... Chat away rako... Nahan ko movolunteer ing ana

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