Now king Herod heard of Jesus, for His name had spread abroad, and said, "John the Baptist whom I beheaded, has come back to life and therefore these powers are at work in him" (Mark 6: 14)


I thank God that He could track us by our conscience, and allows it to drive us to our knees. A few years ago, a man in United State gave himself up to the police because of conscience. His conscience would not leave him. After 30 years of murder, his conscience drove him to his knees and he gave himself up. Emperor Charles the second of Spain, could not sleep in his room without having a priest and a nun his bedroom, because of his conscience. His guilty conscience drove him crazy for killing the weak, the poor, the innocent and the enemies, just because they were opposed to his rule.
King Herod after beheading John the Baptist, because her 17 year step daughter Salome, had dance sensual belly dancing which aroused his sexual passions, swore to give even up to half of his kingdom to the girl. And when the girl asked for John's head, he had no choice but to give John's head on a platter to her. Afterward, his conscience won't leave him alone. Now he hears about Jesus, and Herod mistaken him for John. King Ahab, after killing Naboith and taking his vineyard thought it was over, until God sent Elijah to confront him. On seeing Elijah, said, "Have you found me, my enemy (1 Kings 21: 20). He said this because of his conscience, for Elijah was there to expose his evil deeds. And what about Judas? In his moment of great success for selling Jesus, was confronted by his guilty conscience, which drove him to his death by hanging.


Don't get to that point, for conscience is given to us by God to warn us of God's higher moral law and the judgment to come. It's our sense of right and wrong, and witnesses to us when we break the divine moral laws'(Rom 2: 15)
The problem for us is that, conscience, which is our moral judicial umpair, adjudicating our conducts and deeds in the light of God's universal moral laws, written on human hearts, can be defiled or corrupted, can be seared or dead. To the extent that we lose the inner proof and witness in our soul that there is God, and that His moral laws do exist and that He will bring us to judgment.
So how is your conscience? How are you navigating through life with this 'sense of right and wrong?' Is it keeping you in check or out of check?
Remember, everyone has conscience, and that conscience was put within you to tell you and to warn you of God's righteousness, Justice and judgment, because He is a holy and a just God.
So as you go through the day and live life, check your conscience and bring it to its right place in your life, for a righteous life and godly fruits God seeks from us.


May the blood of Jesus cleanse your conscience today for it to become a pure, good and strong judge in your life. And may you heed your conscience in Jesus name. Amen

pray with me

Thank you Father for the ways you help us avoid you judgment and retribution. We submit our conscience to you today for washing and purging so that we would have a clear conscience as our adjudicator in all matters of morality, character and conduct. May our conscience not drive us to death but to repentance in Jesus name. Amen

I will keep a clear conscience in Jesus name. Amen
Work on your conscience today
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people towards God's purpose
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@johnsonkoranteng @sirknight @steemitghana



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thanks for best information

We get a good conscience in order to think positive

Good conscience helps to think positively. Thanks for sharing

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