Charlie Lee...SatoshiLite...liteCoin

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Learning about crypto currency the last year now...let me say...what a ride...out of fiat for good...and only why am I writing about Charlie Lee( because he makes it fun and as the coin is named Lite!!!)
Like I said I’m learning, reading and writing. Blockchain from what I’m understand is the I agree with Charlie, make the change with Lite humour. Don’t know much about the man, expect from all this info and media. (Fud)
What I see is a clear student of blockchain and showing us in a fun way, that there’s so much to learn here...why not learn it with joy...because as smart as he is, he knows blockchain is endless and it will never be learned!!! So how can it stop!!! It can’t be stopped it can only be expressed...and Charlie is expressing it, the way I like it Lite and fun.
But when he has something to say, he get serious and explains it perfectly like a founder should.

I’m writing also this article to say that I’m learning a lot in steemit, steem has my attention to write and learn not only about crypto like I started but, about all...there so much out there...
So yes I think and believe that Charlie is expressing it in a way that...blockchain is great but add life to it...thank you Charlie and steemit for this...

I will probably update this post better, but for now I hope all understabd where I’m coming from. And if you don’t well send me a note and I’d be happy to explain more. ( plus I’m tired it’s midnight)

Oh yes I did say article, well a start...and that’s what crypto has given me a start to be the best I can be, and of course with steem, and all the great people I’m meeting. You guys know who you are.

Thank you all.Especially you Charlie ( oh ya the coin is on a🏃🏻‍♀️ 🏃🏾) E1E4FE7A-81A4-4254-83C8-42FC38A0EA3E.jpeg

Charlie tron is my first love...❤️

I personally think Trx/Ltc or Ltc/Trx

Just making it Lite.

Thank you

John Skotts ❤️


Steemit is the social media of the future!

Yes it is. Thank you hun!!! ❤️🐶

Nice post buddy! Keep up the good work and dont forget to post your stuff in our telegram channel so we can grow together! :)

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