Welcome to the Future: The Beginning of Augmented Reality

in #technology8 years ago

I haven't played many of the new virtual reality machines, but I did recently receive a PS4 VR device as a gift. I could tell the quality of the PS4 VR seems to be mediocre. There are tons of wires that need to be connected, but once you get past that, it is pretty easy to set up. The bundle I received came with a few demo discs so you can try games out. There isn't many options as far as VR games for the PS4 yet, but playing some of the demos I can see the possibilities. I think over the next few years they will get really creative with the games.



The graphics on most of the games seem to be from the early 2000's. From what I understand, they can't have the games move too fast otherwise you may get motion sickness. Even with the slow games you still may get motion sickness. My friends and I noticed getting a minor headache and even feel a little tired after playing for a while. If you purchase one of these devices, make sure you take off the clear protective tags on the lenses. This will make sure for a clear view of the screen. After playing, the lens may get a little foggy, so you have to make sure to clean them once in a while.


We're watching

One thing that scares me about VR, is they make you install this camera that is basically watching you for as long as it is plugged in. The VR needs this camera so it can detect where you are in the room. My friend was explaining to me the camera can scan your eyes so it can tell the distance between your pupils. This sounds like a way to scan and document your iris, much like the iPhone finger print feature. Just another way to get more information on who you are. They don't even have to write laws, people just do it willingly. I'm a little skeptical to put my eyes into the camera, since the game-play seems just fine without it. The last few days I've been unplugging the camera. I'm the type of person who puts sticky notes over my laptop camera. If there is an internet connection, there is a way to get into your camera. The government is also going to use VR technology for propaganda and to indoctrinate the population. The important thing is understanding the symbolism they use to avoid being programmed. The people in charge love subliminal messaging because it is harder to notice.


Is this real?

I have to say, there were some cool games that I have played on the new PS4 VR system. The best one to date is on one of the demo discs, it is called 'The London Heist'. This was one of the most realistic games I've ever played. It is a very short game and you can probably finish in a half hour, but it is very interactive. With the PS4 VR you can use these two motion paddles. You have one in each hand and in most games they represent guns. I thought the coolest thing in this game was my ability to feel like I was actually picking up a gun and loading it with a clip. Plus, instead of using a standard controller to point and shoot, I was able to extend my arm and point. When I would crouch or duck my character in the game would follow my movement. This made for a very realistic experience. I had my wife try this horror game, but she got so scared she jumped up and through the VR mask off.


The future

I can see how people are going to get sucked into this technology. People already like playing video games, watching movies, and hanging out on social media to escape from real life. These VR machines are going to take over people's lives. Just like everything, it is best to be used in moderation. I do think it is a really cool technology, but just be careful with augmented reality. VR isn't real, you have a real life still, I think. I will continue to play because it is extremely fun, but I'll try not to let it consume my life.

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Sincerely Yours,



I love using the GearVR, I can't even imagine how much more PS4's device is, and then compared to Oculus or Vive. I do not question or worry about if people will get sucked into these things like any other distraction in life, but I do wonder if things are good enough where our eyes won't be messed up greatly from them.

Good point. I don't believe these devices are very healthy for us, especially our eyes. They are fun though. Just be careful not to go blind.

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