The Best Hidden / Unlockable Characters !

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)


Reptile - Mortal Kombat

Reptile was not a playable character in the first Mortal Kombat. He was fightable however. Having both the skill sets of his fellow ninja's in the game.

Honorable Mention

Mega Man - Street Fight X Tekken

This is not the Mega Man you are looking for. Instead we got the Mega Man 1 box art version. Fans begged for Mega Man to be in a fighting game and this is what Capcom delivered.

Role Play Games

Magus - Chrono Trigger

Making it to Magus and beating him feels like it could be the end of the game. Of course it was only about halfway through the game. Late in the game you have the choice to let him join your team or not.

Honorable Mention

Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy Tactics

Everyone knows who Cloud Strife is from Final Fantasy 7 fame. Not everyone knows he was in a different game as well outside of FF7 spinoffs.
He was an unlockable and playable character in the game Final Fantasy Tactics also.


Luigi - Super Mario Galaxy

This was a Mario only game and you can tell because it doesn't have "Bros." in the title. After completing the game and
collecting 120 stars(which is not a simple task) Luigi becomes a playable character.

Honorable Mention

Knuckles - Sonic The Hedgehog 2
(Sega Genesis)

This one is not a simple matter of unlocking a character. You had to purchase a separate cartridge. This allowed you to play as the new character Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Thank you guys for checking out this list I put together.

See you in the next post!

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