
Hail Raz of ANTIFAstan, Seattle. When saints refuse to rule, devils take over. That's happening in Seattle right now. When you do nothing, monsters replace you. That's right, you're valuable when you're exercising your gifts. Many hospitals in the United States of America in 2020 are following the United Nations (U.N.) as the UN orders them to murder people by doing certain things that is proven to kill people. It's too evil to fail and too horrible to admit they believe. They believe you will do nothing because of how scary it sounds. So terrible that it feels like it is not real and yet it is.

Covid Hospitals

Doctors and nurses are murdering people in hospitals in 2020. There are videos of this. They blame it on the 2019 Novel Corona Virus. Globalists and others have been infiltrating hospitals and other places for decades. They use Covid-19 as an excuse to increase tyranny and everything. A nurse shot video of some of this. You can pretend I didn't say this because YOU love it when people die. Don't tell anybody this secret that we are worse than Hitler's NAZI Germany. Medical technocracy tyranny, the doctors and nurses follow what the computers tell them to do with the machines, the medicine doses, the combinations, and everything, and you would not believe who program those computers, those programs. SUNRISE Sofie Karasek is one of the ANTIFA-like controllers.

Playing Piano
Making a Path
Finding Strength

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Oatmeal Daily - 2020-06-11 - Thursday
Published in June of 2020

SUNRISE GIRL Screenshot at 2020-06-11 17:25:04.png
SUNRISE Sofie Karasek

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Who to save?

12:22 AM - Facebook | Picture

A and F but only for sex.

Fuller House

2020-06-11 - Thursday - 12:35 AM - 01:03 AM - Fuller House 510

Joke about how it is the last season and they will have nothing to binge. They were actually talking about ice-cream and not about the show they are on, breaking the fourth wall. Ramona is like oh I am going to binge watch the final season of my favorite family sitcom meaning either something on TV or it was a metaphor of her real family. They did dance in the the 9th episode. Triple wedding to plan. Nintendo games. Life changing. Loving Steve. Joey appears. Meeting Kimmy's parents. Acting like them. 15 months till college says Ramona. Weird. Sad coats. Not replacing the dad says Steve. The suit. Joey jokes. Puppets. Clothes. Outdated. Singing telegram. Black chack like Jennifer Hudson. Gospel soul.

2020-06-11 - Thursday - 01:05 AM - 01:31 AM - Fuller House 511

Wedding expo. Clipboard of fun. Fernado hiding in the bag to avoid paying the $5 entrance fee to the expo. Max. Smart. Maybe not as gay as the son on Roseanne reboot the Conners. Max plays chess with Steve. Max is eleven. Steve wins in like four moves. Max seeks a rematch. The youngest boy, Tommy, refuses to eat white bread sandwich if it has crust. He should be eating brown whole wheat bread instead. Steve pretended to be a jock but was secretly a nerd. Max beat Steve in the rematch. They celebrate by drinking Snapple strawberry drink. Runway the she-wold three.

2020-06-11 - Thursday - 01:33 AM - 02:01 AM - Fuller House 512

Family cookbook. Sign your name. Making your kids say what you want until they begin to talk. That's why I have a dog. Hey, that's not what Cosmo sound like. Danny. Joey. Jesse. Old car or clunker. Grand entrance. Probably the last time those three will be on the show with a focus on them ever. Finding recipes online from strangers. Danny been fasting for a long time, the past thirty minutes. Joey, Jesse, and Danny get locked in the freezer while Joey is pretending to be Rocky beating meat. The door closes. Handle falls off. No phone reception. They talk about having a bad time but then a great time the last 30 years. Jesse's gel was freezing and his hair was falling out. Jesse exclaims, "The only thing worse than dying is going bald." He grabs the big meat thing and stabs the window part of the door and was able to break through and free them from the dungeon. He was left hanging kind of but then they came back. DJ was making a meal as she didn't trust Stephanie. A fight. Stephanie backups and runs into the house again like she did as a kid or was it somebody else that did that? Great song, we're coming into America. The potato is not just about the potato. You mean other stuff like people. In a way. Spit spit. Oh no, it's a metaphor. Fernando became an American citizen. American accent. Happy Thanksgiving.


2020-06-11 - Thursday - 02:03 AM - 02:46 AM - Vikings 602

Floki. Oh, not Floki. But his boat. Where is Floki? Don't know. Puppets. Iva in like Russia. Rus Vikings. Meets people. Story about how a guy didn't drink poison and was this dubbed the prophet. The guy kills brother via the drink and dances. The boy hides under the table. Talking to the dead seer. Thinking of shadows coming and going from the noon and onward. A third brother. The kid. Magic tricks. Guitar. Asian like. Different accents.


Pets & Bugs

09:36 AM - Hive

I think I might be more allergic to the spring, to the grass, or something. I sometimes sneeze when I'm outside in the trees, the woods, the forest, for a long time. Maybe it's when I have a cold, when I'm a little sick. I might have some allergies. But yeah, maybe some germs got to my head. I do hear that cats have things that will travel into the person and up and into the brain. So, that may be true.

Joy Villa

09:54 AM - Chat With Me ❤️#joytribe

Jesus is King with a capital K. The king of kings and the lord of lords.

Lionel Nation

10:01 AM - Live Stream: So, Is ANTIFA Off the Hook? Is That It?

Destruction from within.

Making a Path

11:11 AM - Hive Post

1978 maybe - Marilyn at work.jpg
My mother, possibly in the mid to late 1970's.

Sometimes, you have to pave the way like pushing snow to get to your car. You gotta make a path where there is no path. That's how the cookie crumbles. Here are a few photos of my mother mostly from the 1970's in this edition. Making paths may not always be easy but it is part of leaving a legacy implanted on the hearts of others.

Joe Rogan

11:14 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1488 - Andrew Schulz

Chores. Dishes. Trees. A squirrel climbed up a tree and hopped onto our house.

Stefan Molyneux

12:11 PM - Philosopher Stefan Molyneux: University Guest Lecture


Two potatoes


Our brains feel no pain if you drill into it said Stefan Molyneux. I didn't know that.

Indirect Brain

Our hands touch things but our brains don't directly interact with the world outside of being given electrical messages concerning what is happening in the world as the mind is stuck in the prism of the skull, the eyes see and the brain does not, the ears hear and the brain does not, the nose smell and the brain does not, the tongue tastes and the brain does not, the skin feels and the brain does not, the heart or whatever may feel and the brain does not and the soul may be connected to the brain in a similar fashion perhaps which could say we are twice removed from the real world as what we see goes into my brain and then into the soul, that is going from one world to the second world, the brain, and then into the third world, the soul, perhaps. That reminds me of dimensions. Like the three dimensions and yet this could be like sets of three dimensions each as the physical world has at least three dimensions they say and perhaps the mental world has three and the spirit realm has three as well and perhaps there are more than those as well. Perhaps, we live in our soul as our souls in the 7th, 8th, and 9th dimensions, and perhaps we look at the lower dimensions through the lens we are given.

Red Guy

12:34 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - Thursday June 11, 2020


12:35 PM - Facebook

How much time do you spend on Facebook each day?

Covid Hospitals

Doctors and nurses are murdering people in hospitals in 2020. There are videos of this. They blame it on the 2019 Novel Corona Virus. Globalists and others have been infiltrating hospitals and other places for decades. They use Covid-19 as an excuse to increase tyranny and everything. A nurse shot video of some of this. You can pretend I didn't say this because YOU love it when people die. Don't tell anybody this secret that we are worse than Hitler's NAZI Germany.

UN Hospitals

Many hospitals in the United States of America in 2020 are following the United Nations (U.N.) as the UN orders them to murder people by doing certain things that is proven to kill people. It's too evil to fail and too horrible to admit they believe. They believe you will do nothing because of how scary it sounds. So terrible that it feels like it is not real and yet it is.

They get money to kill people.

They blow out their lungs.

Medical Tyranny

They building an army of psychotic murderers. First, they find out which doctors and nurses are willing to go along with the scam and the killing and then they find ways to get rid of the staff that refuse to go along with the genocide.

Do Harm

They got rid of the oath of do no harm in too many hospitals, etc.

First come first serve.

You don't pick who lives or die, you do first come first served, you go to the highest bidders.

Ventilators killed people.

Masks make it worse.

Killing Old People

They would get sick people and put them with the old people in hospitals, day care centers, etc, and the old people would die in 2020.

Dallas Murder

They would murder people in Dallas to harvest their organs.

Paid to Murder

They are getting paid thousands of dollars to murder people in hospitals, etc, in 2020, in the United States. $52,000 USD to murder you.

Bad Hospitals

The hospitals in Iraq are better than the hospitals in America.

Dancing on Spiders

01:19 PM - Hive Post

2004 maybe - Marilyn face.jpg
Mom in the early 2000's

When you're down and out, surrounded by snakes, you have to dance on spiders, when the going gets tough, do what you can in the mist of the storm.

Nap for like thirty minutes. In my 163 backyard and between our house and the apple tree was like a construction site of mine but I didn't see anything but in real life would try to build tree houses and sheds and houses and other things in the backyard and other places. So, in the dream, walked towards the car port and the last stepping stone was bigger than the others. I walked around and tried to talk to people and explore but eventually woke up. I always try to see more and cannot and I want to see more in many dreams all my life.

Diamond & Silk

02:03 PM - LIVE: President Donald Trump Participates in a Roundtable in Dallas, TX

Man talks about the fake virus.

He sits near Trump and tries to scare people to death.

Trump should not let people lie about Covid.

And yet Trump did it again today.

And people cheered Trump.

People should boo him for lying about the Corona Virus.

Covid is an excuse to take over the world.

Trump should tell people that Bill Gates and others are behind the destruction of the world.

Diamond & Silk's moderators on YouTube put me on timeout for speaking the truth about covid.

A Diamond & Silk mod put me in timeout in a live chat of the current video as I mentioned that globalists use pandemics as excuses to try to take away more of our rights. So, I am being censored and banned on Diamond's YouTube because I talk about how leftists try to control our lives more and more. Authoritarians uses real viruses as EXCUSES to take away our freedoms which comes from God. So, Oatmeal Joey Arnold is the BAD GUY for speaking out the truth in the LIVE STREAM. If you ask around, and if the mods were honest, they would say they put THAT OATMEAL GUY on timeout and the one lady told me to do my research, that I was wrong. But many doctors will tell you otherwise. Project Veritas will tell you otherwise. Even Tucker Carlson will tell you about Bill Gates and other people and what they have been doing.

I hate globalism.

Finding Strength

02:35 PM - Hive Post

2008-03 - Marilyn and a lady in Portland, Oregon.jpg
2008-03 - Marilyn and a lady in Portland, Oregon

You gotta find strength sometimes. Dig deep inside and cry out for help. Be honest and yet be relevant in the moment at the same time. Be ready to be vulnerable and yet active as well.

Red Guy

03:05 PM - Alex Jones Show - Full Show - Thursday June 11, 2020

Listen to Erin.


04:00 PM - 10:37 PM

Medical Tyranny

Medical technocracy tyranny, the doctors and nurses follow what the computers tell them to do with the machines, the medicine doses, the combinations, and everything, and you would not believe who program those computers, those programs.

Tearing Down Statues

When they tore down a statue, it landed on a person throwing that person into a coma.

04:35 PM - eating an apple. Ate a few cloves of garlic. Watching Alex Jones. Got the mail. Sunny day. Birds are out. The squirrels ran up the tree when I walked by as the tree gardener. I tried talking to them like Dr. Dolittle but failed. Redirecting forest. Took w digestion vitamins. 2 Magnesiums. Apple is lighter on the stomach than a bagel might be. So, I will postpone on the toast and soup till later.


04:46 PM - Facebook

Same as you except the last two, Star Wars, Starring Adam Sandler, Michael B. Jordan, directed by Patty Jenkins. I don't even know who Patty is. I would prefer yours. I love the Rock.

Cute at Three

04:48 PM - Facebook

You were cute at three. Reminds me of a friend I once had when I was a kid.

Anything Facebook Group

04:56 PM - Post whatever you want in this group, any time, no problem.

You're not Black if you Don't Vote Democrat

Who said that? Joe Biden said that. Larry told the woman about that and she didn't know that and she said that she wasn't going to vote Biden now. Plant the seed. Many people don't know many things. So, plant the seed and tell them thinks, even simple things, you'd be surprised. They try to tell us that we are NOT human if we are white or if we are not Democrat.

Murdering Patients


They put the patients asleep and then to death.

Millie Weaver

Is talking about how the Sunrise Movement abduct children and teens out of school, high school, to trick them into believing the world is going to end in 2030 due to global warming, climate change, global freezing, and they trick the youth into their cults, their duties. They teach the kids to hate white people even when the kids are white they begin to hate themselves. So, too many people then commit suicide or they do other terrible acts. Millie is exposing the details of who abduct the children. Some of this is worse than child trafficking as at least with trafficking the kids can know it is bad. The problem is when you brain wash people, then the kids don't even know. They teach the kids to burn down buildings and all kinds of things. They teach the kids about trigger points like Covid and George Floyd. The kids are trained through courses up the ranks.

Work up the ranks.

Google Docs

Undercover people worked up the ranks and was eventually able to access computers which had unlocked files and everything as many may not be tech savvy enough to lock and hide things and they were able to grab many GBs of data as evidence of the crimes of the Sunrise Movement.

Over the years, the Sunrise Movement has had different names and they split off a few times into other different groups over the last ten years going back to 2010 at least if not longer than that in similar ways.

SUNRISE Sofie Karasek is one of the controllers.

They put the younger kids on the outside, instructed by Momentive, so that when cops go to arrest them, then they can put it in the press how bad the police are.

Seattle Demands

In the demands, they listed housing as a demand as free housing is a right they claim meaning that other people must be their slaves in creating and maintaining houses which takes work and time to do. They listed ending police and ICE while not listing military. They listed ending certain prisons while not ending other kinds of jails. They talk about certain things while not talking about other things. They want to be like a super sanctuary city. They want free college, housing, etc. They want no police, no jail, no law, They want the right to murder, to burn down cities, buildings, stores, etc. They demand anti-bias training which means they demand that people are brain washed to never ever oppose their views and demands on any level at all. They want to teach children this more and more. They demand hospital segregation to reverse what Martin Luther King Jr wanted. I have a dream that we can all get along of all races, religions, genders, etc. But their dream is to go backwards in every way possible. They want black doctors for black patients which is code for racism and segregation. That is racism when you want to force a certain doctor onto a certain type of patient. That is illegal or should be at least.

Joe Rogan

06:00 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1488 - Andrew Schulz

1960's Richard Morehead Family Home Videos or Audio Video Photo Reel kind of thing with an older kind of cam that has to be developed like frame by frame or whatever the case might be. Mom said she has not seen it. Skip may have it in her big house. Karen might have some of it. Talk about what it might have been for her growing up as a nerd, the M&M. Could it be psychological and neurological damages in the brain, partly a defect in some ways. Autism and other things. Coordination malfunction in the brain perhaps.


Soup and popcorn.

General Shepherd

09:11 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Thursday - 6/11/20

Team Raz

Will Raz take over the world?


Marilyn Mitchell at nine months during her first Easter, Sunday, the 13th of April of 1952. Rick asked if that is Erwin on the recliner. Was Erwin the husband of Grandma Ann or was she married to a Charles Dwight Pickett? But whatever his name was, I'm guessing her husband for sure because the Morehead grandpa was probably skinny and not fat.

Finding Joy

11:43 PM - Hive Post

1958-12 - Marilyn - Age 7 - Pic developed in April of 1959 - Eastman Kodak.jpg

Dig deep into your soul if you wanna be whole. With Oatmeal in my Bowl, is Jesus in your soul? You can't just wait for free college to come at you if you're not Democrat. Hey, I'm joking, aint nothing is free in life. You gotta work hard for it and that is the origin of joy. Here are some photos from the 1950's and 1960's of my mother as a kid and her family growing up mostly in Oregon.


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