We Have the Advantage

in #politics8 years ago

Taking a serious look at government wrongdoing is no easy task. Not because the damning evidence is hard to find, but because the truth (once found) is very hard to swallow. How does one reconcile the fact that we are being led into slavery (and to slaughter) by a group of pathological liars who, ironically, have been appointed to "protect us?"

How does one come to grips with the fact there are still millions of Americans who believe there is a good half of the government and a bad half? An intellectual twilight zone where good has nothing to do with the ACTIONS of elected officials and everything to do with whether or not they've dressed themselves in blue or red.

As I began my journey into the bottomless pit of government tyranny and lies I was shocked to find things were much worse than I had originally imagined. Even more upsetting, I came to understand that my 30 years of ignorant bliss had been carefully manufactured on an assembly line of distractions and disinformation. My ignorance had been no accident; it had been the goal of the system.

After a few years of serious digging, I reached a point where I couldn't help but stand in awe at the amount of dirt I'd unearthed. I thought to myself, "How the hell can all of this be going on and so few know about it? The logical answer came shortly thereafter: "It is only going on BECAUSE so few know about it."

What I had initially hoped was just a rare instance of wrongdoing, turned out to be standard operating procedure. What I hoped was just a new phenomenon (brought about under an exceedingly corrupt administration) turned out to be as old as history itself.

There before me stood the ugly truth: Government is "the power to impose your will,"politician is a synonym for conman, and at the top it's criminals who run the show. The "political system," it turns out, is nothing more than a way for the criminal elite to hide and legitimize their illegitimate behavior. Is it any wonder the worst among us rise to the heights of power? Is it any wonder the most talented liars seize the greatest rewards?

"But wait," you say. "The title of this piece is: We have the advantage. After seeing the enormity of the problems we face, how can you honestly believe we've got the upper hand?" Well, it's pretty simple. For a clue, let me borrow from a quote that's attributed to Adolph Hitler's propaganda minister:

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State." -Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels

In short, the State has grown so greedy, so corrupt, so dangerous and belligerent, that it no longer has the power to "shield the people" from the consequences of its lies. Additionally, it has all but lost its ability to bury the mounting evidence against it.

Where before the State could easily silence the masses with clever manipulations like "You're giving aid and comfort to the enemy," now brave citizens are standing up and stating the obvious: "No, we're giving aid and comfort to the truth."

We must never forget that liars and thieves depend on ignorance to exist among us. They lose their ability to manipulate and profit at our expense when their tricks and true aims are exposed. So long as we are gaining and spreading awareness, they (by default) are losing power.

If you think about it, the amount of time it took to build the current system of manipulation and control is truly pathetic compared to how quickly it is unraveling. More and more people are waking up every day. They're leaving the mainstream media in droves; they're actually THINKING beyond the false left / right paradigm, they're seeking (and finding) the truth on their own.

At this point, we are so awash in documented wrongdoing that nearly anyone (in just one month's time) can be shown enough to completely neutralize decades of government brainwashing. The government, on the other hand, enjoys no such luxury. What has taken them decades to create cannot be regained in a month, a year, or even a lifetime. Once a person "sees" the truth with their own eyes, the gig is up. As a result of this fact, maintaining the lie becomes mathematically impossible.

Our enemy faces an unstoppable and continuous erosion of their power. Information (specifically, the truth) is the primary weapon that will destroy them. They will tell us otherwise, they will pretend everything is fine and their power is secure, but like everything else they say we will know it isn't true. In the end, their time will come and they will fail like all the tyrants before them. But that should come as no surprise. ...Armed with the truth, we have the advantage. Believe it.


And the more they become affraid of losing grasp on power, the more they must double down in wrongdoings to keep themselves afloat atop in their Illegitimate ruling. Lies pilling up on top of other lies, it becomes more and more hard to hide the mountain of madness behind them.

Everyone knows that the fire from a little spark will increase and blaze ever higher as long as it finds wood to burn; yet without being quenched by water, but merely by finding no more fuel to feed on, it consumes itself, dies down, and is no longer a flame. Similarly, the more tyrants pillage, the more they crave, the more they ruin and destroy; the more one yields to them, and obeys them, by that much do they become mightier and more formidable, the readier to annihilate and destroy. But if not one thing is yielded to them, if, without any violence they are simply not obeyed, they become naked and undone and as nothing, just as, when the root receives no nourishment, the branch withers and dies. …
- Etienne de la Boétie

It is difficult to figure out what we as individuals can do to change the system or hold politicians accountable. Case in point: We all can see clear evidence that Hillary has blatantly lied to the public among others, about her handling of classified information and now about the pay for play actions of the Clinton foundation, while the DNC can apparently rig an election with little real impunity. Fox News (discredited in the eyes of the left) is the only "main stream" aka corporate media that is talking about it. MSNBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo etc, IGNORE it. All the independent medias are talking about it from all parts of the spectrum from left (TYT, HA goodman, Sane Progressive) to right (alex jones, we are change, Reason) and everyone in between. For some reason though, it is only considered real if both sides of the CORPORATE media acknowledge it. The justice department (DOJ) seems to be in cahoots with the Hillary campaign, the FBI is slow and ineffectual and Bernie remains catatonic in the face of possible Trump presidency. What would it take to make these public institutions act? How do we hold them accountable without it being spun off into narrative of LEFT vs RIGHT or that it's just Fox News on a witch hunt again. How obvious does it have to get?


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