New Criminal Complaints Over Deaths Of Children From Dengvaxia Vaccine - Documents Show Sanofi Pasteur Influenced Studies & Government Knew The Risks!

in #vaccines6 years ago (edited)

Criminal charges are being sought against the Philippine health secretary and Sanofi Pasteur employees over the alleged deaths of children from the controversial Dengvaxia vaccine. Amid all these developments and revelations Sanofi maintains that the vaccine is safe and continues to try to get it certified for use in the US and other western countries.

What is interesting about this developing story is what action is being taken in the Philippines and the new information that has come to light about just how much was known about the dangers of this vaccine and how Sanofi manipulated this information.

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New Criminal Complaints Against Government Ministers

The Philippines Department of Justice (DOJ) today summoned Health Secretary Francisco Duque III along with his predecessor Janette Garin to address multiple criminal complaints concerning deaths of children allegedly linked to Sanofi's Dengvaxia. Others from the FDA and Research Institute for Tropical Medicine along with Sanofi's distributer Zuellig Pharma are also implicated as new complaints are submitted.

Current criminal complaints include: reckless imprudence resulting in homicide, violation of the anti-torture law and obstruction of justice.

Further investigations are being undertaken to determine why the Philippines paid so much for these vaccines. The total cost of the anticipated Dengvaxia injections for 1 million children in the Philippines was in the tens of millions of dollars. As we shall see shortly there are huge issues with Sanofi's approach to getting the vaccine approved.

A conspiracy to cover up the dangers of this vaccine is completely reprehensible but we must remember that projects like this are worth enormous amounts of profits to companies like Sanofi and bonuses to their employees! With so much money floating around there is a massive opportunity to use the people's money to corrupt the people's representatives - as we shall see!

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Families of Dengvaxia vaccine recipients file criminal case against former Health Secretary

The Philippine DOH Was Made Aware Of The Risks But Approved Dengvaxia Anyway... Why?

A letter was submitted today by the Philippines Public Attorney’s Office to the DOJ which shows that top members of the DOH were made aware of the risks associated with Dengvaxia. A letter sent to the DOH by a group of concerned experts and citizens before the proposed Dengvaxia vaccinations were to start stated:

“The potential for harm has been demonstrated in the published studies. The studies show systemic side effects in up to 57 percent of patients. This may cause a public furor, especially if any children die"

Why were these warnings ignored? Children's lives could have been saved!

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Sanofi Corrupting The Vaccine Approval Process - Cooking The Books!

I am always concerned with corruption when it comes to the medical practice. I have been involved in it myself and am aware of how prevalent it is. With these new investigations the actions of Sanofi to manipulate the approval process for Dengvaxia's in the Philippines are now coming to light.

It turns out that the studies used to get approval from the DOH were payed for by Sanofi and conducted by the DOH!

The study was led by a member of the DOH’s Formulary Executive Committee Dr. Hilton Lam who admitted he was directly paid almost $6,000 by Sanofi to undertake the research. He further elaborated that Sanofi paid the team almost $60,000 for the study.

Obviously people like Dr. Lam and his team don't cost much to buy - or perhaps we are not being told all they were paid!

Clearly Dr. Lam as a member of the DOH’s Formulary Executive Committee had a conflict of interest undertaiking this study and being paid by Sanofi! This kind of practice should be considered criminal and never be allowed to occur.

Philippines lawmakers seem to agree with me when they said it was inappropriate for Dr. Lam to undertake the study whilst being a member of the DOH body that approves the list of drugs the government can buy and use.

Lets see if Dr. Lam gets criminally charged for this obvious corruption!

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This is a developing story and I am pleased to see some action being taken by the people to hold those responsible to account! I will continue to keep my eye on this story and add my opinions as events unfold.

What I would recommend is that before you vaccinate yourself or anyone you love you should do A LOT of research - there is a lot of corruption associated with vaccines!

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

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Thanks for sharing! Hopefully this will open some eyes and ears to the corruption taking place.

Jockey or Scott Joseph, you sold illegal drugs at rave parti and people die

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