Yeah. Sweet potato time. Overrun with sweet potatoes. One of those truly amazing plants. Not like regular potatoes whose leaves are poisonous as well as the potato itself if it is green. Sweet potatoes are in the morning glory family. The leaves stems and tubers are all very good to eat. They bloom with a purple morning glory flower that can top off a salad.
There are tons of them out there in the garden. The leaves are edible too, similar to spinach. The freezer is full with the leaves. What to do?
Really great way to go. Dehydrate and then powder first in the blender and then in the spice mill.
The leaves I collected don't make a dent in what's out in the garden. But it filled six trays in the dehydrator which I set for four hours at 135F.
When done the leaves are like chips. Make a nice little crunchy snack. Like a potato chip. Sort of.
Then place them in the blender.
Next the spice mill.
What is there in the jar is from six trays of leaves.
The finished product is really compact and dense with nutrients. Tastes great.
How do you use the powder?
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