Shame on us for keeping our society under the most corrupted (and obsolete) financial system

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Central banking

Central fiat banking system is pure evil and worst financial criminal network of our time. I will not say not much more to this, there are many materials that explain this existing central bank process nicely like a video I put into this post. I'll just simply describe major elements of this system so even my grandma can understand it. I "discovered" monstrosity and evil efficiency of this system many years ago (before that I didn't know how it all works) and even after these years my blood is still boiling when this comes into my mind. Anyway, it's need to be reminded because guess what?... it's still here!

Major criminal aspects of central banking system

  • government is creating new debt outside reserves of its citizens (you are not asked to be put with your children under debt and interest burden) directly (by over-taxing) and indirectly (hidden inflation)
  • banks are making huge profits just by handing government IOUs (bond(age)s) to central bank (enormous profit without any value added) and expanding the debt of citizens
  • federal reserve (private central bank) creates new fiat money in banks out of thin air without real coverage (there are only very small reserves in gold (also stolen), rest is only worthless paper of similar debt-based fiat from other countries (also stolen), most IOU are just numbers in FED balance-sheet)
  • only banks can create money from nothing, just by paper exchange with central bank (this is first part of the major fraud)
  • only banks can create and multiply (inflate) money based on fractional reserve and new debts to citizens are created and purchase power of existing money is devastated (this is the second part of the major fraud)
  • every citizen is put into well-designed slavery of never-ending and never-payable debt system (this is the result and feature of the process)

The Monetary System Visually Explained (video)

This video explains major central banks fraud and designed and integrated financial enslavement as simply as possible.

Video credits:


This is just a total crime and in any healthy society it would lead to immediate resistance of majority of population and immediate fix/replacement of the system. Federal Reserve in US was established in 1913 but the major fraud came when in 1968 president Johnson eliminated the "gold cover". Since then financial system went crazy and national debt and inflation reached record heights (from ~2 billion USD in 1900 to ~20 trillion USD in 2017 - just national debt in US; one troy ounce of gold went from ~20 USD in 1900 to ~1300 USD in 2017 - even though gold is heavily manipulated by elites to keep it on lower prices not to harm fiat system) - all this due to no bindings of fiat system created by (central) banks to the real world.

This system in its worst form "works" in US already for 49 years. It's time to flush it to where it belongs. Shame on us for letting such a system live for so long. Now we have all we need to change it, let's do it! We don't need any corrupted central system anymore, we can easily work without it. We don't even need your gold that is with few exceptions held by the same banking elites and their puppets. Keep it! Only thing we need now is general awareness and acceptance of crypto-currency for common services and to ignore old fiat system structures. With God's help, transition to fair financial system is now possible and will be done!


More buying we do from locals and more money we make with crypto currencies, less money they make. And that is kind of a goal in the future.

Great. Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you.

Thanks for sharing. You've been followed and your post will be upvoted. This video is an eye opener.

Upvoting and following!
Could you follow me back? ;)

Thanks, following you :)

I think it is better to frame it as a system that organised as it is now by chance and step by step, without using terms as 'evil'. That turns most people away from the topic that the system has characteristics (central issue of money as debt, command and control over economies) that are not from this time.

I sense that a lot of young people know the traits of the current financial system and resist this. Cryptocurrencies with their transparent and decentralised nature come at a good time. There is momentum. But there is still a lot of scepticism, also among young people.

All the ore reasons to discuss based on facts and less on conviction. In the end, we need fellow men to change this world.

Thank you for you comment. I know what you mean but I really perceive current system as strong evil (not just wrong construction and I've tried to described why I call it like that) and of course my posts is not a wiki page, it's also my personal view on the given subject so I take a risk that some people might disagree with my view. Try to imagine you produce a good vine on your vineyard and there comes someone who want's half of your production and as it's not enough for him, the same man comes during the night when you sleep and he takes a half of your remaining wine and replace it with water so your wine is only half strong as it was before. How would you qualify such a man? Such an act is not just a technical issue or a flawed design.

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