Venezuela Leyendas Mitos /Venezuela Legends Myths
¡Hola mundo!
/Today I bring you a little review about my country Venezuela with its great diverse landscapes flora and fauna I hope you like it: It is the confluence between the Orinoco and Caroní rivers, their waters collide and only join a couple of centimeters forming a lake Two-colored Orinoco River located in Venezuela, one of the largest and most important rivers in Venezuela, being the third largest river in the world and stretching for about 2140 km. For its part, we have the Caroní river, also located in Venezuela, it is not as mighty as the first, but it stretches about 952 km in length. These two great flows belong originally to the Bolivar State, in Venezuela, but they have more things in common than their birthplace. A great event of these great mighty rivers is a great legend of our indigenous ancestors that says that the Caroni is a woman and the Orinoco a man who were from different tribes that were in dispute, who fell in love despite their differences, was a love that was forbidden they fought with their respective tribes to be able to consummate their marriage, which manifests itself right at the mouth of the Orinoco.

El agua de color marron es el orinoco y el agua oscura es el carony estas aguas no se mesclan por kilometros rio abajo
/The brown water is the orinoco and the dark water is the carony these waters do not mix for kilometers downstream
Otros mitos que se escuchan es sobres las especies marinas de cada rio es que las especies mueren cuando pasan la frontera del río al que pertenecen.
/Other myths that are heard in envelopes the marine species of each river is that the species die when they cross the border of the river to which they belong.
Ok mundo espero que les guste esta pequeña reseña de mi país Venezuela.
/Ok world, I hope you like this little review of my country Venezuela.