Buy Signal - Dynamic (DYN)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Hi all,

I have been closely watching Dynamic (DYN) and signal a strong buy based on these reasons:

  • It s sister coin in the duality blockchain, Sequence , has risen 30% and is now worth over 5 million $ in market cap.
  • Dynamic has a 60btc sell wall at 36,010 sats. It was 90 btc yesterday. There are quite a limited number of DNY coins in circulation, so my take is that once that wall is consumed, the rise could be pretty high, pretty fast. Having a closer look at the Bittrex (the only exchange it is listen in), there are no significant sell order in place - liquidity is quite thin.

Duality Blockchain Solutions contributes towards society by offering blockchain as a service (BaaS). The token byproducts flow into the community market as financial instruments, enterprise backing provides a monetary solution on a fundamental level. In usage, Dynamic will be as financially secure as legal tender with Sequence acting as the collateral to preserve value as an appreciating asset.

Given the reasons above, I do not see why Dynamic should not experience quite a rise in the following days, I look forward to see what happens after that wall has been consumed. Of course, volume is the key, though my experience tells me, it s just a matter of time.

And oh, you read it here first ;)

Keep safe out there


DISCLAIMER : The post has been prepared solely for informational purposes, and is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security, product, service or investment. The opinions expressed in this post do not constitute investment advice and independent advice should be sought where appropriate

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