4 Days of darkness

in #informationwar6 years ago

Greetings dear friends who always accompany me in this wonderful community. Today I can write for you again after four days without electricity (something never seen before in the history of our country), today I want to share a little about that lived experience, 4 days of darkness not by the fact of not being able to light the light bulbs but by all the economic and health tragedy that arose as a result of the lack of electricity in the country.


Everything has happened unexpectedly, at first I thought it was a local blackout as we are accustomed to receive, however soon I could see in the news that it was a national fault, the whole country was without electricity and there were only politicians blaming the opposite side but to date I do not know how or why or where the fault originated that has completely obscured our country this weekend.

For the common citizen soon all the little food that was in our refrigerator had to be consumed before they were damaged, this way we were forced to eat in a few days the food that was reserved for the whole month, the money we have in digital (most because there is no cash) was practically frozen, with our devices without energy it was impossible to access any banking platform, to make any electronic payment.

The stores and supermarkets have had to close in this time because there is no way to collect the goods sold, technologically we went back in time to the era before electricity distribution and it is worth mentioning that since there is no electricity there is also no water because the pumps for the water supply work with electricity.

But that was the softest part for an average citizen, the sick took the worst part.

Hospitals do not have power plants and the care services that depend on electricity were disabled resulting in the death of many Venezuelans.

I don't know if the cause was sabotage or lack of maintenance, but I do know that the darkness came over many Venezuelans who will never see light again. And God who knows all things will judge the guilty because no one will escape his judgment.

Today electricity has been restored in the area where I live, we do not know if temporarily or permanently, there are still states of the country where it has not been restored.


Dear @jesusjacr

I just had a chance to read similar publication by @lanzjoseg. It's just heartbreaking to read about what is happening in Venezuela.

I hope noone from your family died during those difficult days?

IT's hard to imagine that this serious problem has been fixed. Your infrastructure is damaged. And i would expect those blackouts to happen again. I hope I'm wrong ...


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