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RE: [STEEM-BOUNTY] are You Actively Promoting Your SteemIt Posts?

in #mapsters6 years ago (edited)

Cool idea! Especially at times where the HF20 has chased some users away or some just decided that it was a good time for a break. Hopefully, in the upcoming weeks, things will get back on track around here.
So how do I promote my posts on Steemit? Well I have adopted a methodology I apply every time I post:

  1. Share on Twitter, Facebook and Medium
  2. Hop on Discord and promote my post in the channels I participate (about 8), while respecting their rules and not spamming
  3. Verify if any interesting Bots to invest in by respecting the 3.5 days maximum and using this link:
  4. Resteem if I have enough Steem left to do so!

So that is pretty much it on what goes for my promotion. Hope it can be helpful for any other Steemians here :)


You're the first one to mention external promotion, like sharing on Twitter, Facebook and Medium.
Do you have an idea if you're actually reaching people doing that?
(I do it myself, sharing on other platforms - on a lot more than those three. But the main idea about it is SEO-related: the more backlinks the better. I have never actually paid attention to whether this actually brings in visitors.)

I haven't done a deep analysis of the stats yet but will do so soon. I'm studying in Digital Marketing, so it would be worth to test out my own promotional capabilities.
However, Twitter has helped reach an external audience on certain topics, like cryptocurrency and digital analytics. I've found some followers that happen to be on Steemit too :)
As for Facebook, well, seriously it's hard to get people to read on that platform. I'm going to be creating a page soon, it might help reach more audience.
And finally, for Medium, I just started posting on it. I looked at their stats and seems my audience reach has been improving but it's really hard to get claps on Medium and followers if you aren't already a well-established blogger.

I know.
There are quite some Steemians on Twitter, and there are plenty of FB groups.

I have been cursing on the fact that SteemIt offers no visitors stats, but now it suddenly occurs to me that I can use link trackers for my external promotion....
So I need to find a different system to set up. Most of my promo campaigns are automated through IFTTT, using my RSS feed URL. But I don't think I can get a tracking link in there somewhere

How do you measure reach and conversions?

I'm not really measuring anything yet. Just started blogging back in January 2018 here on Steemit and on Medium in August 2018. I started my Digital Marketing course in March 2018, but had a baby in June 2018. So basically, I have plans to implement analytical strategis to my Blog posts, but I'm not completely there yet!

Sounds like 2018 has been a year full of new beginnings. Congrats with the baby. I guess you have your hands more than full at the moment :0)

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