whats next?

Equities North America RMG
Pulling the Trigger on the Bullish Dollar Trade
September 4, 2017
It was quite a busy week with plenty of news flow, but also some very interesting price moves which have

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Equities Global RMG
It’s About Time That Markets Made Their Mind Up
August 30, 2017
The last few weeks have been frustrating as our core trades have struggled to make any real progress. Equity markets

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Global RMG
Erratic Price Action Within a Period of Change
August 21, 2017
With summer vacations at their height, perhaps it is to be expected that price movements could become a little erratic.

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Global RMG
The US Equity Bull Market Was Damaged Last Week. Perhaps Gold is a Partial Remedy
August 14, 2017
The action in equity markets this past week suggests that some serious damage has been inflicted on the bullish trend.

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Equities North America RMG
From Low Volatility to No Volatility
August 7, 2017
Just when we thought that it couldn’t get any worse for traders, markets have almost come to a standstill. Simply

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Equities Global RMG
A Mini Wake up Call as we Head into Summer?
July 31, 2017
Having been far too one directional with exceptionally low volatility in recent weeks, it feels like financial markets received a

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Global RMG
Fundamentals Versus Market Analysis
July 24, 2017
With central bankers preparing for their summer vacations, markets have been hanging onto their every word and nuanced syllable for

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A Rare Opportunity in Soft Commodities
July 17, 2017
From time to time, we show charts drawn from the Commitment of Traders report to show when speculators (hedge funds

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Europe RMG
The Euro is at a Very Interesting Juncture
July 10, 2017
The bond markets are having a bit of a hissy fit, and as noted last week, this seems to be

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Equities Global RMG
Central Bankers’ Message to Markets
July 3, 2017
We have been bombarded by Central Bank speakers in recent days. What does it all mean; if anything at all?

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Global RMG
Oil Prices Collapsing Amidst Political Problems in the Middle East
June 26, 2017
We last wrote about oil on 23 April in which we said “With the best will in the World, OPEC

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A Quick Review of Central Bank Activity
June 19, 2017
After a number of central bank meetings and speeches, we thought we would take a quick look at what happened.

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Weighing the Risks for the UK
June 12, 2017
Although I am sure that you have had your fill of the UK election, we do feel the need to

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North America RMG
Are US Equities Entering the Death Zone?
June 5, 2017
We were on the road in Switzerland this week, and as we travelled along the northern shores of Lake Geneva,

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Equities North America RMG
Equity Market Thoughts
May 30, 2017
The flavour of our equity market comments in the last couple of months have been focused on the US which

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Global RMG
Gentlemen Prefer Bonds
May 22, 2017
Last week, we promised a more detailed explanation of our current market views. We want to concentrate this week on

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Global RMG
Central Banks are Changing Gears
May 15, 2017
We have talked about central bank policies extensively in recent years, and let’s face it, it’s a really dry subject.

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Equities Global RMG UK
Signs of Stress are Building, Hinting at Trouble in the Second Half of 2017
May 8, 2017
6th May 2017 Due to last minute weekend travel plans, this week’s note is shorter than usual with fewer charts.

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Global RMG
Property Bubbles Everywhere As If It Were 2007 Again
May 2, 2017
We are going to focus this week on two stories from the property market; one in Canada and one back

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Commodities Global RMG
The Oil Price Decline is Important and Just One of Our Long Term Concerns
April 24, 2017
Since before the Brexit vote in June last year, politics has become a more important force in the day to

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