Day Three - Light

I am grateful for the light of the morning, especially as it comes earlier and earlier now.

The days are getting longer. Spring will be here shortly. Growth all around me. I cannot wait for all the greens to reappear.

The Sun is so kind if you wake up with it. It eases you in to the shine with amazing shades drawn out over the entire sky first thing. The glow spreads over everything you can see, bringing a warmth with it too!

I so love the Sun. When it kisses your skin until you blush from it. Leaving you basking in a glow that you can carry away with you like magic. Transporting the light and the warmth with you, like how magnets carry a charge ... the Sun affords us all the same chance to hold its power.

And then, following that transfer of warmth, comes growth.

All of the growth. Everywhere. It is possible only because of light, specifically the light of the Sun.

What wasteland we would be surrounded by without light. What lack of life without light.

It is so easy to look around and say Thanks, for light, everywhere. As it gives life to all things. WIN_20180103_13_26_20_Pro.jpg

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