Fear, a habit that makes us better (español abajo)

in #life7 years ago

Fear in many cultures is considered a bad habit, in Latin America it is an offense to call a person a coward, the dictionary defines the word coward in the following way. "[Person] Feeling afraid of difficult situations or showing lack of courage to Undertake dangerous or risky actions "

In my opinion, every human being is afraid of a difficult situation, or carries a certain risk as the formal definition of the word coward says, fear is part of our animal instinct that we share with all living beings in the world, to the Stronger animals feel fear in risky situations and is part of the animal instinct for survival, fear leads us to take intuitive actions like running when we are threatened by something, such as if a dog pursues our most intuitive reaction is to run, and That instinct for survival is triggered by fear.

Society sees fear as a bad instinct although it is something we all have and will always be part of every living being, the main fear of every living being is the fear of the unknown and that is part of our animal instinct, from the Principle of mankind man has been afraid of everything he does not know, such as fear of fire in prehistoric times or fear of the sea in medieval times, I once heard two people talking and said it was absurd That someone would be afraid of the sea, or the fire because "it is known that it does not hurt" and is the point that I want to highlight. The person who said it was absurd to be afraid of fire (referring to prehistoric times) because 'you know that it is harmless'' is assuming that the other person already knew that the fire was harmless, and does not realize that the true Fear as part of our animal instinct arises from everything we do not know since we do not know what threat it represents. In addition to uncontrolled fire if it represents a great danger.

Then the person who said that said two things, the first that in the prehistoric era was known that the fire was not dangerous and also supposes that the fire is not dangerous, when in fact it is, that person was surely referring to the Fire in a bonfire or in a setting where the fire is controlled, this person already has the knowledge that the controlled fire is harmless so they do not pose any threat to him, and that is why the guy who said that comment did not He is afraid of fire. He already knows that controlled fire does not represent a threat but in prehistoric times we did not have the knowledge and we return to the principle that the human being is afraid of everything he does not know.

If in the prehistoric period the human being had not been afraid of the fire and the other unknown facts probably many cavemen would have died burnt or any other event and perhaps our species would have died out, then fear is what activates our instinct of Survival and protects us from any risky situation for us.

The society misuses the word coward, a person who has been launched 100 times in parachute is certainly not afraid to parachute from a plane at 1000 meters high, that person already has the experience and The knowledge that makes its survival instinct not activated since it is not threatened by an unknown situation, on the contrary if a person has never been parachuted and has no experience and no knowledge under that situation will surely activate his Survival instinct and that person is very afraid, society simply compares the person who was afraid and the person who does not and calls him a coward who was frightened, but does not take into account the situation in which those two people were or The knowledge that these people possessed when faced with the same fact.

For that reason I consider that to be afraid is something totally normal in us and is not something bad or for which we should feel shame as the society tries to make it see, the instinct of survival is part of all living being and makes us protect ourselves and take care of us in situations Unknown, we usually stop feeling scared once we have the knowledge of how to face a situation, so I think that '' valiente'' is not the person who is not afraid of anything but that person who faces unknown situations to acquire the Knowledge to learn and improve.

What do you think about fear? Do you see it as something bad or something normal in the life of each person?

Thanks for reading, the images are taken from: google images

PARA ESPAÑOL CLICK AQUI: https://steemit.com/spanish/@jeison19/el-miedo-un-habito-que-nos-hace-ser-mejores


Really intetesting post and great ideas.

Thx for sharingđŸ˜Š @jeison19

thank you very much. Appreciate it ! @jeison19

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