
in #busy6 years ago

I've seen a lot of movies lately that involve trains. I think there's just something about being on a train.

Maybe it's the added motion to whatever else is going on. It just makes everything seem even more exciting than it already is.

The latest train based movie that I've seen is called Transsiberian.

I thought it was actually quite different than it's trailer, and quite a bit better than it's trailer would lead you to believe.

I think Transsiberian is a really good thriller.

So without further ado, let's check it out.


The first train based movie that I ever saw was called Murder on the Orient Express.

It was a thrilling caper starring Hercule Poirot, the famous detective.... made famous by Agatha Christie.

My grandmother used to love watching Agatha Christie mysteries on PBS. Sometimes I would sit with her and we would watch The Adventures of Hercule Poirot.

However, the adventures shown on PBS starred a different character than the Poirot played in Murder on the Orient Express.

They were both good in their own ways. The thing that stands out to me most about Murder on the Orient Express is that it is a fantastic character study.

As someone that likes to write fiction I can tell you that having powerful characters is incredibly important part of any piece of work.


Of course there have been several great movies that are based on trains since then.

One of my favorites is called Snowpiercer. That movie takes place in a future world where the Earth is completely covered in snow.

The only surviving people on the planet are all aboard one very long train. Each compartment on the train has a different class of people in it.

This might be considered a small spoiler, but I will tell you now that the basis for that movie is that the class in the back of the train decides that they would prefer to be in the front.

It's really interesting to see the things that are happening at each of the different compartments.

There's a lot of trickery going on, and there's a lot of various interesting activities. All in all it's a really great movie.


Recently I saw a zombie movie called Train to Busan.

Basically the world gets taken over by zombies while a man and his young daughter are aboard a train to Busan.

I'm a sucker for anything that involves zombies, but this movie was truly a masterpiece. If you are cruising around Netflix and you come across this movie I would highly recommend it.

None of the movies I've listed above have anything to do with Transsiberian though. Actually they do have one thing to do with it in that they all take place in sort of a foreign region.

Transsiberian obviously refers to the railway in Russia.

Woody Harrelson is probably one of the most prolific actors that I can think of. He has played quite a different number of types of actors.


In this movie he plays an innocent American man that is somewhat naive and gullible. He has a young beautiful wife that enjoys photography.

The two of them go on a trip to Russia after spending a bit of time working in China.

On this train they meet a beautiful couple, Carlos and Abby.

They quickly become friends with this couple because they are a couple of innocent Americans.

We are also shown a scene at the beginning where Ben Kingsley is telling a couple of Russian detectives something to do with drugs.

Ben Kingsley is playing a Russian detective or something similar to that.

He's always fun to watch and this movie is no exception.


This movie is essentially an exciting thriller that involves a long train ride, some deceit, drug trafficking, innocent people and guilty people, and people that like to take advantage of others.

It's scary in some parts, and it is very dramatic. I think that almost anyone would really enjoy this movie. However, there are few parts that kind of bothered me.

This movie will essentially ask you the question what it means to be a good person.

The answer it tries to provide you is that we are constantly provided with a series of choices and that sometimes people will make the wrong choice even though in their heart they are kind and good.

I completely disagree with this though.


You don't cheat on someone you love because you're in the moment with someone else.

You don't steal, or lie, or commit any type of bad action because it seemed like it was the right thing to do at the time.

That's the thing that bothers me. There are so many parts in this movie where I can just imagine someone watching it saying I can see her doing that because I might have done the same thing in that situation even though I would have regretted it later.

You don't treat someone in a bad way and then regret it later.

Treat people the way that you want to be treated.

So I guess you could say that I'm really not on board with the way one of the characters acts in this movie.

She frustrates me so much that I really want to sit down and have a talk with her. Maybe that's a good thing though. This character is able to evoke a response from me.

I will say though that aside from that one character that kind of annoys me this movie is pretty great.

If you are looking for a fast paced movie aboard a train, and you don't mind waiting through a few slow scenes, I think this thriller will absolutely fulfill your desire.

So go ahead and check out Transsiberian now.

It's a really great flick.


Train to Busan is awesome :)
I recommend also that classic

Sweet. I'll have to check that one out.

@herverisson Where are you ? I wonder about you

Merhaba! :-) I'm safe and sound, don't worry :) I don't come here much :-/ Too lazy! Hope you and Mustafa and your child are good :) What news in Izmir?

Ah yes!

When you mentioned trains, I immediately thought of Snowpiercer. Have you ever seen that? Not for the feint of heart but it really kicked me in the face.

It's one of my favorite movies.

I really love watching movies a lot. Although i am still yet to watch movies train for now but maybe i will still love to one day then. I always prefer action movies that invovles shooting

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