Don't be afraid of change.

in #life6 years ago

Something terrible is going to happen tomorrow.

My favorite manager is being demoted. Instead of staying at our store, she has chosen to transfer to another one. That makes perfect sense. Who wants to stay in the store in which they were demoted?

I think it would certainly be hard to command respect after that happened.

This young lady is an amazing manager. It all really comes down to politics when it comes to these things.


Tomorrow is her last day with us. It will be the last day that I see her in charge of our store. After that, I can visit her if I want to at the other store. It's going to be different though, and I'm not going to love it.

You see, most people think that this manager is very strict.

The truth is that she is a very controlled person, but I get along with her really well. She likes things to be orderly.... and I can definitely understand that. Orderly makes the store run well.

I can guarantee that people are going to miss her much more than they expect once she is gone.

They are all going to realize how much work she actually does. That work is going to fall on all of us, and I can tell you now, it's not going to be a good time doing it.

I've already said my goodbyes to her, but I'm feeling a bit morose.

I know part of it has to do with the fact that she's going to be gone, and I'm going to miss her because she's my friend. I also know that part of it is due to the fact that I don't personally love change. With the change of the Guard, another guard must come to take over.

That Guard has already been chosen.

He will be joining us from a distant store.


I've already met this guy several times. On each occasion he has had something negative to say about one of our servers.

Keep in mind that he was only visiting when he made these comments. The first time he told the bartender that her hair looked terrible, and that she should go in the bathroom to brush it out so that it looks better and more professional.

I was standing right next to her when he said this and I can tell you that her hair looked perfectly fine. I felt like he was just being a jerk for no reason at all.

On the next occasion that he visited us he told me that my shirt needed to be ironed. I always iron and starch my shirts before work because appearance is extremely important when you are server.

I got the distinct impression that he simply likes to throw his weight around. Some people like to do that for the very reason that it makes them feel powerful.

Once I heard that our manager was leaving, I already had a great idea that we would be getting this guy that nobody really wanted. That's just the way the world works.

I know that eventually we will all get along with this guy though. Everyone comes to work to make money. Nobody really likes conflicts. I think that's going to be an adjustment, but that doesn't mean that everybody actually needs to be afraid of the change of the Guard.

There is no point in thinking about something before it actually happens. I'm quite certain things will be business as usual.

Don't be afraid of change.


maybe you just need to be aware of his atittude and be sure to yourself that you do is right. If he still corrected you or criticize you, it's his fault anymore because there are people doesnt appreciate what you did, they only notice your mistakes. So need to be afraid of the changes, just be aware.

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely. I will do that.

if he is the one that comes learn what he likes and what don't and go with the flow. I don't mean to say "lick his shoes" just try to learn what triggers him in order to avoid further conflicts and nerves.

If he proves to be a piece of shit either you can all gather a talk to a higher manager or just look for another store :P but that's the final "solution"

I already know that he's a jerk but I think he is probably going to used to our system so that should be okay.

I'm sorry your favorite manager is leaving. It always makes work a more pleasant place to be when you have decent people as leaders.

There's no doubt about that.

You have a good attitude about life. I'm sure no matter who the guy turns out to be you'll make your way fine. Hopefully he won't cause you too much stress.

I won't get too stressed about it no matter what happens, but it might not make the day fun.

Our dispatcher, who was the person that gave me my marching orders, was fired recently. Some of the other drivers had issue with him, I did not. Also, a "general manager"(new position at the company I work for) starts tomorrow. Change is happening, but I will show up and do the same job I have been doing. I don't expect the change to be negative, that would be borrowing trouble. Whatever the change looks like, I will deal with it.

That really sucks. However, I'm on the same page with you. Whatever the change is like I'm going to make it work. We've got to make a living after all.

Yep. Till Steem moons.

Transfer to her store.

That would be absolutely miserable. The store she's going to is not a fun store.

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