Why are we careless yet look careful after accidents had occured--- LETS ALL BE CITIZENS AND NoT SPECTATORS
Who is in charge of the #housing, who is in charge for making good and #quality roads?, who is there to check that all is done as said?, who is in charge to make sure that the roads and surroundings are kept clean?.
$ I think you are ! Not the government but You. $
Yes I agree with you perfectly they ought to pit down some structures...have to mange them ,and have to keep them well...but I want to ask? Who uses them at all. #Government is just a #title just as #nation is . We make it up as a body
Had a troll in my area to release of some stress ....and i came across stuff that got me concerned!😏
Check them out
- Bad roads.This seems to be the #condition of many roads in My community. Not to say in the whole of #Ghana.No! .
Because there are better roads in some part whilst others are not attended to.
- Bad roads.This seems to be the #condition of many roads in My community. Not to say in the whole of #Ghana.No! .
This road is one that leads to a former #Political leader's house, which is two houses to mine.😏 [NAME NOT GIVEN FOR SECURITY REASONS.] .And since he left from power nothing had been done .
As to whether he does not care or the other way, i cannot judge. But the thing is he doesnt come around often so i think he doesnt really feel the pain the others may feel. AND THIS IS ONE OF THE THINGS WHICH HURT PEOPLE IN AFRICA ..UNCONCERNED LEADERS🙍
Coupled with the harmattan, things are are really in bad shape over here .
There have been various accidents which have occured on this road because drivers were trying to swerve these pot holes and the shape of the road too.
But #I am a #citizen not just a #spectator.
- Dirty gutters. Aren't we concerned! Citizens are concerned with whatever happens in the area, community etc.
Things are burnt by the road side and all that.
- Dirty gutters. Aren't we concerned! Citizens are concerned with whatever happens in the area, community etc.
- 3.One thing I wasnt happy about at all was this
A transformer just by the road side... I remember once i was a child, it gave sparks so An Electrical company had to come around to give us light the next day.....
It seems we care very less until there is blood everywhere before safety measures are taken.Not only that but see this..
Trash are burnt just buy cables connected to the transfomer.[ an electronic device which acts like a stepdown and shares electricity across a specific area...lol ..pardon me if im not really on track but i know i am lol ]. I mean electrical cables ....... And this pole is just by a shop ,house and a road.
#ITS @jeeandmee from #teamghana
Not just a passive citizen..a true citizen is what you are..and we forget that we are our own enemies..hmmm..thanks so much @jeeandmee
Welcome and thanks @mcsamm we all have to play pur role for a better ghana......
We must sensitize the world on the need to take good care of our environment. Thanks @jeeandmee for hiting the nail at the head
Hmm welcome bro....as i said we have to be good citizens not just spectators..we all have to join our hands in this
I'm even sad looking at these poor roads and poor conditions posing danger when our so called political leaders move about as if they don't see them, may be it's because they drive good cars with air condition. It is a shame when you see how they rush quickly to scenes when there is an accident and give lengthy speeches and remedies which may just end there and nothing will still be done. @jeeandmme I will suggest that you also share this post on other media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube until it reaches everywhere and draw their attention.
Sure i think its a good suggestion i will post them over there too...thesethings really need to be dealt with ....hmmm #God bless our Homeland Ghana!!!
We all have a role to play in building our nation in all sectors ...glad you stress this out. @jeeandmee.