Service To God From Our Heart!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Our service to God should accord to the directions of the Word of God. Regularly the administration we render to God is done with the wrong demeanors and for wrong thought processes. The church needs committed laborers of Christ who will have the heart of a dedicated worker.
This is a basic, however Scriptural, rundown of 5 ways that we should serve God.


  • Lovingly
    Do all to the glory of God!!! "Glorify," implies - "to give a privilege and high impression of." We don't do what we do to inspire others with our abilities or on the other hand our commitment. All that we do is to the glory and honour of God

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of
** 1 Corinthians 10:31**

  • Persistently
    Do you remain at a job or would you say you are a slacker and quitter. That isn't the means by which you serve God! wrap up what you begin, Stick in there. Be unflinching - steadfast.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”*
** 1Corinthians 15:58**

  • Diligently
    How constant would you say you are at serving God? Numerous will buckle down at their
    occupations when there is cash included; yet, shouldn't something be said about our work for the Lord and for the progression of the Gospel and our places of worship where there is no compensation included? What is your value ethic with regards to the Great Commission?
    Give me a chance to give four critical parts of persistence:
  • Perspiration - the force of your work
  • Promptness - the estimation of your work
  • Initiative - the "second mile-edness" of your work

Matt. 5:41
“ If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.”

  • Excellence - the want to give God your best work

Romans 12:11
"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord."


  • Passionately
    The Bible says to "serve the Lord with your entire being." God needs you to serve him passionately. Individuals infrequently exceed expectations at assignments they loath doing or feel enthusiastic about. God needs you to utilize your common advantages to serve him.

Deuteronomy 11:13-14
13 So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today—to love the Lord your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul—
14 then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and olive oil

  • Spiritedly
    The thought here is accomplishing something with your entire being and soul! We would state,
    accomplishing something "excitedly." We are dynamic and lively believers of Jesus Christ ,Request that God give you more energy! Do whatever you do heartily.

** Ecclesiastes 9:10**
“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with
all thy might.”

Many unsaved individuals put more energy into their worldly activitiesand exercises than most Christians put into their unceasing work for Christ.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men
Colossians 3:23


God appreciates it when we serve him wholeheartedly and not begrudgingly. We need to allow our service to God truly come from our hearts. Thanks for this information writeup.

Thanks apostle!!

If the primary reason you began that work was because you thought it the best way to serve the Lord, your effort will still be rewarded even though the project wasn’t successful. At the same time, let’s say you worked on a project and it was successful. But you did it for other reasons than serving Christ. Jesus says, “Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.” [Matt. 6:1 ]

All your service and adoration should always be unto the Lord and your life should always be focused on the things and grace which the lord has made you for.
Live your life to always please God and not men.
When you have gone the other way they would all leave you buy only the lord will be by your side in all you do .
We Christians knowing who christ is, is not a problem but what form the basis of issues is the fact some do not do what christ want them to do due to lack of courage and morale .
Christ us so powerful that he is always there to provide for those who can stand for him in truth and in spirit.
Never put your trust in any man because they will always leave you when you are faced with the evil one but Christ will always be with you in time of bad situation and trial

Thanks for sharing this Jedaijudith, you've been an awesome parishioner and contributor to SteemChurch. We would definitely want other parishioners to see this.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Thanks @steemchurch its my pleasure to be of great assistance!!

serve the Lord with your entire being. God needs you to serve him passionately

Thanks apostle

God always searches the heart and so serving Him sincerely from our heart is the best thing we can do to move Him. Again we should know that anything we from our heart to God will be rewarded and that is why we must abound in doing the work of God. Thanks for sharing

The Bible uses the term "heart" to describe the bundle of desires,hopes,interest,dreams,ambitions, and affection that you as a human have.
When serving God, listen to your heart.

The heart is the dwelling place in a man's body, the way we accept him determines how he will come, stay and use us.

God is more interested with the way we rendered unto Him our services than what we rendered unto Him. No matter the services we are rendering unto God, it should be with the whole of our heart while working in obedience to His will

Our service is of importance to him. It shows our love to him.

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