PRAYER is the Master key!

in #steemchurch7 years ago

It is of great neccesity that personal prayers are not neglected because it is the master key to every doir that leaddls to christ, his salvation and his boutiful blessings.

  • Prayer Is Necessary To Obtain Personal Salvation
    The Bible says,

"Whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be spared"
Romans 10:13.

We realize that prayers does not spare; God spares. However, we see from this verse God has made prayers the road through which salvation is conceded. He concluded that we should call upon Him before He will spare us.

  • Prayer Help Us To Have Spiritual Growth
    What is otherworldly development? It is developing in comprehension of God's ways. It is developing in comprehension of His Word. It is creating hatred for transgression and developing in the love for honesty. By and large, it is being changed into the picture of God's Son. Petition causes us in every one of those territories.

  • Prayer Is Necessary To Help Us Stand Firm Against The Devil
    Jesus stated,

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
Matt. 26:41

Jesus realized that petition was completely important to oppose enticement, that without it we are feeble and defenseless against the assaults of Satan.

  • Prayer Is Necessary To Obtain Favours,Needs And Wants
    God truly wants us to have things—numerous things. Notwithstanding, He needs us to have just those things that are beneficial for us. There are numerous great things that God needs us to have, yet in the event that we don't request them we won't get them

James 4:2
“You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God”

  • Prayer Is Necessary For Obtaining Fullness Of Joy
    Jesus said in

John 16:24
"Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete"

  • Prayer Is Necessary For Obtaining Mercy And Grace
    Jesus Christ, our awesome High Priest, is completely human and completely God.
    The human side of Him makes Him ready to be thoughtful and forgiving toward us, and the God side of Him makes Him ready to help us whenever with any of our needs. With this incredible acknowledgment we see,

Hebrews 4:16 says
"Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.."


This topic reminds me of a popular song which goes

Prayer is the key
Prayer is the key
Prayer is the master key
Jesus started with prayers
And end with prayers
Prayer is the master key!

We should endeavor to be at the forefront of our christain life by engaging in prayers always, everyday of our lives.
May the lord bless us all!


Good to have you over here at SteemChurch. Prayer is our means to communicate with God. It's not only for requests, as there is prayer of thanksgiving. We definitely want to treasure this opportunity we have.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Tbh prayer is like eveything to me. When I'm down, communicating with God by means of a prayer strengthens me. To have a better relation with God, we have to pray to him regularly. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for your contribution @jaff8

PRAYER is the master key for all Christians to unveil all mysteries,it is mandatory for Christians to pray always .
A prayerful Christian is a victor and a conqueror while a prayerless Christian ia a loser all the time .

Prayer is the master key 🔑 to unlocking limitless blessings.

We must learn to speak to God, have close relationship with him through prayer, prayer is the key that open doors

prayer is they key to a whole lot in the life of a Christian, with prayers we can open the gate of heaven and move mountains, that's why we must learn the secrets and concepts of prayer in our Christian life

Prayer is the only key which can change the minds if so many people .
In time like this we all should fast and pray for the enemy is always around .
Jesus was a perfect example of someone who knows that the enemy would come and he resided to fast and pray and later the enemy the devil came to tempt him. He was able to overcome temptation due to the spirit of Gid and the world of truth in him
Christ has made us whole by letting himself die on the cross .
Fir us who are a called Christians we should imitate him and always fast and pray for the enemiy is always around.
When you fast and pray Gid draws nearer to you and makes you his friend forever

There is a saying,never stop praying, prayer opens doors it rescues us from temptation,it is the key to victory over the works of the enemy in Jesus name

nice and well said @jedaijudith

PRAYER means the soul of man talking to God the FATHER in the name of HIS SON JESUS CHRIST through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.

Prayer is the key to all good things!

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