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“When he worked, he really worked. But when he played, he really PLAYED.” ― Dr. Seuss

Yip. That pretty much sums me up in a nutshell! I like to call it balance ;) and balance is necessary in all facets of life! Besides... when you work hard, it warrants a celebration doesn't it ;) We spend so much of our lives being serious and seeing as it is Friday, I felt like focusing a little on fun! Truth be told, the idea was inspired after a few glasses of red wine at our weekly “Phuza Thursday” dinner party last night…hehe

I have mentioned this before but for those of you that are unaware – “phuza” Said (poo-zah) is a zulu word meaning “drink” and Phuza Thursday is a pretty common tradition here in South Africa… essentially it is like celebrating the fact that the following day is Friday – so Thursday nights are considered "klein vrydag" (ie. little Friday) and they generally involve going out partying, for drinks and dinner with friends or in our case – my mom and I alternate dinners at our respective houses. We eat, talk, listen to music, enjoy the pleasure of one another's company and drink too much red wine lol.

Nothing beats a good party night, and although my version of “partying” has changed somewhat over the years, the level of enjoyment and satisfaction derived from it is no less. Back in the day I would have considered an entire night on a dance floor “a party”… however, these days, planting my rear end on my couch with a glass of red wine and some loud music is equally as satisfying… if not more. – Getting old hahaha! Don't get me wrong... I still enjoy a good dance floor session every once in a while, but the recovery time makes it debatable as to whether it is worthwhile or not. haha!

What is fun, is defined by each individual and everyone has their own interpretation. Irrespective of HOW you choose to “let your hair down” the importance lies more in the fact that you actually do it! A lot of our days are structured and almost “pre-determined” by work, kids, school and many other things. Taking time out to actually enjoy UN-STRUCTURED activities (whatever your preference) is REALLY important!

For kids, this unstructured time could be running around outside, playing catch, kicking a ball, painting, etc. For adults it could be unwinding with some music while you cook dinner, going for a walk or run, enjoying a jigsaw puzzle, going fishing, having drinks with friends and so forth. Whatever it is, it needs to be understood that it is actually critical to your overall well-being. Fun is serious business! - Somewhat paradoxical, but VERY true! Hehe ;)


I think some people forget to have fun, or they de-prioritise it because of work, responsibilities or other obligations. Me? No, I do not have this problem. haha!

I am going to keep having fun every day I have left, because there is no other way of life. You just have to decide whether you are a Tigger or an Eeyore. - Randy Pausch

I work my hiney off all week and will welcome ANY opportunity for recreational fun with arms wide open. In fact, I hold about as much enthusiasm for Thursday evenings and Friday mornings, as a kid does for their birthday party. Hehe!

Actually, if I am honest, I try to have a mini “me” party, pretty much every day of the week. I get absolutely EVERYTHING required of me out of the way as quickly as humanly possible. Dinner, lunches, homework, you name it – I get right on it! I kick my shoes off, open the front door, let the sunshine in and stick my music on...LOUD (always loud, except for the homework bit lol). I do my best to make those repetitive everyday chores, FUN!

The FEELING alone of KNOWING that there is nothing left for me to do for the remainder of the evening (other than whatever the hell I please), is probably the best moment of my day and is sometimes even more rewarding than the “not doing anything” itself! It is the enjoyment of such moments that prevent me from, well… LOSING MY MIND!!! Hahahaha (true story!)

No, really! – Having fun and allowing yourself “time out” has been scientifically proven to be emotionally, mentally and physically beneficial. So for those of you that struggle to “let go and have a little fun” – look at it as a part of a healthy lifestyle ;) I like to look at it as me retaining my sanity ;)

Apart from the obviousness of the "free time" being greatly "re-charging" - I also find that taking a fun approach to the monotonous activities in your day helps to take the "boring" out of them too. Sometimes I get Jude to come and sit on the counter and do his reading and spelling homework while I pack his lunch or prepare dinner... this breaks the boring routine of the homework for him and it distracts me too.

Often, what will happen afterward is that he ends up sitting there for ages, just chatting to me and telling me about what has transpired throughout his day, or getting involved in the chopping of vegetables etc. which is wonderful. It is quality time together and most definitely lessens the "boring" factor for both of us... it also saves time as we are killing two birds with one stone and freeing up some more time to mess about later :)

Fun doesn't always have to consist of adrenaline rushes and staying out all night - it can also be something as simple as breaking routine and making life a little more interesting on a day to day basis! But enough about that - I am certain you catch my drift - so, moving along swiftly... It, my friends... is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! Without QUESTION, THE BEST DAY OF THE WEEK!!!!

(it is for me anyway!) I have already kicked off the shoes, poured the wine and have the music on and am hoping to sit around the fire pit later if the heavens don't open and drown us! Time to get this old person party started!!! hehehehe :)

Tomorrow is a SUPER exciting day for ALL South African's as the Bokke walk into the Rugby World Cup final!!!! It isn't even Saturday yet and my nerves are already shot! I don't think people realise what it would mean to us as a country to be able to told that Webb Ellis Cup up high tomorrow!!! So, here's wishing our boys all the best as they march onto the field!!

You have ALL the LOVE and PASSION of the Country behind you boys!!!




Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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Whoopa!!! Sing it! :D You South African hon @eng.ramy?

No north africa

Ok :) Well, Lovely to meet you either way! :)

Not everyone can be serious, and not everyone can have fun. But everyone can try!))

hahaha TRUE THAT! Well said hon!

Drinking Thursdays I like how that sounds where do I sign up! Always nice to find something to make each and every day a little special. Far too many wish away their lives waiting for the weekend to have any kind of fun.

No sign up form required @enjar :) And yes - I agree wholeheartedly! If we don't do that, we will "blink" and years will have passed.

Very good topic, very few people manage to balance their emotions.

That is very true!

Fu is not easy for many. But yet we have to have fun to enjoy the crisp of life.

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If we don't, we are merely existing aren't we.

Nice take

Posted using Partiko Android

Thursday as mini Friday...sign me up! Although it's already like this since this semester started because we don't have classes for Friday HAHA. Well, that's a trade in disguise, because apparently we will end up using the whole weekend tinkering on assignments and whatnot. Not really much extra fun from one bonus holiday per week, lol.

Talking about fun...oh well, what an essential part but sometimes it just feels so hard to get without messing up everything else. Something that weirdly requires practicing although it should human instinct at first.

hahaha sounds like you have phuza Thursday sorte then @lilacse haha! Don't mess us the assignments because of a hangover though :P

Talking about fun...oh well, what an essential part but sometimes it just feels so hard to get without messing up everything else. Something that weirdly requires practicing although it should human instinct at first.

Very true... but I think finding the balance gets easier as you get older lol

Happy Friday, and great luck in the game tomorrow!
You sure do your part in this life of ours. Thanks.

What a lovely thing to say! Thank you @owasco xxx

And as you no doubt know by now, the Bokke kicked BUTT! :)

Finding fun and play in everything is really quite critical... actually, it is the idea of play whilst "working" that leads you to discover some new and interesting insights that you would otherwise miss...

BINGO!!!!!! You hit the nail on the head @bengy!

"All work and no play, makes everyone as dull, ans as boring, as shit"

But all play and no work, is great!

damn straight! I am 200% in for the latter option haha!!!!!

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