A little biodiversity garden picking & French Pressed Coffee

in WORLD OF XPILAR21 days ago


The cabin fever was real last week, so as soon as I began to feel like half a human being, despite the persistent snotties, lol - I was absolutely ready to get out of the house! So, on Friday last week we decided to add a little stroll onto our regular grocery shopping mission.

In Hermanus, which is about a ten minute (traffic free) drive from home there is a beautiful, almost 12 kilometer long cliff walk along the oceanside called the Hermanus Cliff Path. You needn't set out to do the whole thing in one go - which in this instance I was definitely not quite ready for after being so ill, so we just picked a small stretch.

We parked the car a little distance from a The Bistro which is a local coffee shop overlooking the ocean and decided to take a walk there, have a cup of coffee and then head back. As far as Winter days go, Friday was absolutely delightful! The sun was out, the wind was nowhere to be found... and the rock dassies were sunbathing all over the place in full glory!





As I have mentioned in other posts, I fast from 7pm to 4pm most days of the week, so black tea or coffee and water are about the only options for me when going out at those times - so I figured I may as well embrace the full coffee culture and start exploring what is available... which is not something I would normally do. Nope, I am pretty much a straight forward Latté girl normally, lol.

Nonetheless, we ordered a French pressed coffee for two, though in all honesty - there were about four cups available. I did no fancy bouncing off the walls for the remainder of the day, so I stuck to one. It is always lovely to visit this particular spot - which I have written about here previously.






On to the garden pickings and the walk! I realise I should probably not be admitting this to anyone, lol - as I think the picking of the plants along the biodiversity walk is likely prohibited... but I am a gardener, what can I say! I cannot go anywhere without taking note of the plants around me and wondering if I can grow them from cutting - which in most cases is yes.

Besides, I really do try to take the SMALLEST possible little snippets! This particular stretch of walk is a bit like taking a kid into a candy store as far as I am concerned, lol. There is just so much floral beauty in every direction!!!




This particular walk is quite popular with the locals as well as the tourists and dotted along the 12 kilometer stretch are all sorts of art sculptures done by local artists, which normally form part of the Fyn Arts Festival which is held once a year, as well as little information signs telling you all about the flora and fauna in the area.









It was a wonderful morning out - be it rather chilled and laid back (I would not have been able to handle anything more than that) and my heart was happy... I managed to grab some garden pickings (which I will share more about in another post) and I also did not get arrested, haha!



Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx


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Hola @jaynie me alegra mucho saber que ya estás mejor y que hayas decidido ir a recorrer esos hermosos lugares con esa cafetería donde pudiste conectar con la naturaleza el sol en todo su esplendor una vista fantástica tomando una taza de café realmente estos momentos valen oro y no debemos negar nos a la posibilidad de salir a explorar conocer ,ver flores nuevas que por suerte no la arrestaron por llevar una planta es que es casi inevitable jajaja me agrado mucho leer tu post que tengas un hermoso día abrazos

Hi @erika08 <3

Thank you so much for the well wishes and for taking the time to read my garden picking post, haha! You are quite right - these little moments are actually the big moments and the older I get, the more preciously I treat them. I am incredibly grateful to be able to surround myself with so much natural beauty. I know that not everybody has that at their disposal, so I will never take it for granted.

And yes, haha - I am VERY glad I did not get into any trouble, lol!

Muchas gracias por los buenos deseos y por tomarse el tiempo de leer mi publicación sobre recolección de jardín, ¡jaja! Tienes toda la razón: estos pequeños momentos son en realidad los grandes momentos y cuanto mayor me hago, más los trato con más cariño. Estoy increíblemente agradecida de poder rodearme de tanta belleza natural. Sé que no todo el mundo tiene eso a su disposición, así que nunca lo daré por sentado.

Y sí, jaja. ¡Me alegro MUCHO de no haberme metido en ningún problema, jajaja!

Es una dicha contar con tantos espacios naturales que nos llenan de admiración y mucha alegría saludos lindo día.

 21 days ago 

Ah the smell of sea air

The bistro looks like my kind of place :) plus i could go for a walk as well.

Hi @kiwiscanfly

Hope you are well and having an awesome start to your week!

Ah the smell of sea air

There is nothing quite like it, right?!! <3

The bistro looks like my kind of place :) plus i could go for a walk as well.

It is a nice little spot. It is actually a shop too, which has all sorts of locally produced skin care products etc. and yes... you certainly could walk... and walk, and walk, and walk haha! :D

Thank you so much @event-horizon and steemcurator06 :) Always greatly appreciated!!!

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