A beautiful day. And my personal record: 35,919 steps!

in #actifit5 years ago

Today (that is, the day that just ended) was the day of my kids’ graduation party. I spent all day cleaning and preparing, and it was all worth it! The party was great. We had a huge crowd and it was absolutely beautiful out, after a rather hot day. People lingered long after the formal end time of the party, which is always a good sign!

Here’s a picture of my kids (the two on the right) and the two other grads we celebrated.


And here’s one of the brief moments when I actually sat down.


And finally, here is my step count for the day. I was too busy cleaning up from the party to post before midnight, but I’m pretty sure this was a record!


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Congrats! Happy celebration and cheers for your new record!

Thank you very much, @manoldonchev!

Thats a ridiculous number so well done. Looks like a great occasion and a great party.

A big congratulations to your kids and to you and your husband. You have done good in their life and they'll ever cherish it. We have a locally saying "It is after the parents take care of the child that the child starts taking care of the parents" It just means in your older years your children will care for you. Cheers. One complain though, I wasn't invited. Lol.

I like that expression! Thank you for the support, @ketcom. Things will settle down now at last and I can give Steem more of my time. :-)

35k steps is a pretty amazing accomplishment!

Thanks very much, @chesatochi!

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