A life with no electricity! Survival! Part 4

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Living a life without electricity means one would need to completely change the way they live and rethink their entire plan for the day, how can we function? Without electricity life is abnormal


I have previously mentioned the different factors that may affect our lives if we was to lose electricity today and have even gone to the extent to mention how the leaders of today would not be able to lead us under those circumstances.

Many of you read my previous articles and the common response I was given was that humans learn to adapt. Which is something I also wholeheartedly believe in. However living with no electricity might not be as easy as one may think, when we understand the amount of functions we will lose or how many things in our homes will become useless to us once in that position only then can we barely fathom the effects.


Electricity allows us to gain access to clean running water, preserved food, heating, cleaniliness and even the use of a toilet. Without it's functions the struggle is real and it's not something we can hide away from. The abnormality of it's absence, would lead to diseases and deaths and that is fact.

History states otherwise? As in the past humans have been able to survive without it for thousands of years, a lot longer then we have had it. We could easily go back to that time right? Or have we become too dependant on it's daily use? Are our actions today reliant upon it's use and is there anything that isn't? Even the food we eat is made on a cooker or heated in a microwave we are well and truly driven by electricity it's like the heartbeat of a human being.


But is the world entirley reliant upon it's use? According to the World Energy Outlook it has been estimated that up to 1.2 billion people at least 16% of the world's entire global population doesn't have any access to electricity. However this changes year by year and it slowly continues to reach many more. Sometimes I wonder if those without the perks of electricity are actually lucky, and I mean luckier then us. They rely upon themselves to get through the day working towards tomorrow and pushing their bodies to it's limits, whilst we stuggle, taking the easy route out and are lazy people reliant on something man made. Majority of those who are safe from electricity today live is Southeastern Asia.

How would we function without electricity? People forget to understand that it's more then just the internet we are losing, we are losing life in it's entirety. No electricity means no banks, no cash machines, no fuel pumps, no burgers, no factories, no cars, no heat, no clean water, lack of medication, and so much much more I can go. We are 100% reliant, and one thing I know for sure, is that without electricity our life is completely compromised.


Half of all Americans believe that they won't survive 2 weeks without electricity a recent poll suggests, and more than 75% believed that within the space of just two months most would be dead. This is because, the people understand how weak and unprepared they are and how they have little or no survival skills. Some of you reading this might think well who cares, we won't lose electricity anyway. But you are all so wrong and very deluded.

Experts have already mentioned how concerned they are at the world's infrastructure today and how we are heading for that time. Cyber threats could literally put this world into chaos, and this is coming from one of the worlds global experts in Cyber security, Eugene Kaspersky.


Cyber security is a major advantage in global economic war, countries battle and target each other's grids almost everyday and the fight is real! As time gets closer and as countries continue to exchange war of words, alot more happens behind the scenes then we know.

And the sad truth is we are not ready, infact the reports and polls suggest that people have already given up and the fight for survival hasn't even started. There will be many casualties and a lot of lives lost, there are too many people in this world who have no self reliance and even if they do, they are not ready to prepare themselves for a major catastrophical event.

Happy steeming, don't forget to comment below!



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@jawaida got you a $1.92 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)

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From Reuters Today (Tuesday 8/8/17) "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen," Trump told reporters at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey....... EMP coming soon!!!

That helps doesn't it, the world is on the brink of war, a war like no other.

@Jawaida, I have great fear!!! Russia / China will kick the US's A$$ in a "Conventional war." The temptation to "Push the button" will be great, and Trump is impulsive.

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