Joy Eliminates Pain.

in #joy7 years ago

Find a place inside where there is Joy? How do you even do that?

As you know, we have feelings which are driven by our emotions. Our emotions can help us to move forward or can destroy us if we go the wrong route. We do feel several things everyday, and sometimes we can't even stop it, but just remember what brings you Joy, even if that joy ended already, but just remember.


If you are able to generate or remember past experiences that brought you Joy at some point, go ahead and try anything you can, specially in hard moments of pain. Pain can be found the same way you are able to find joy. It is totally up to you what to feel today, so your future can be a lot better.

Joy is a feeling that our Love uses to get rid of any pain you hold within you. We all have felt pain before, we all are feeling pain if you are having any bad moment right now and we all know how to get rid of pain with the Joy and analysis of life you can experience everyday.

The more Joy you have in your life, the least Pain you will feel everyday. What are you going to choose?.

Many blessings to all of you my friends.


"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow".
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself".
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.



I totally agree with you dear @javybar . You say very well and true
Pain is the part of our life but pain is not our life so we always try to find happiness and we do those things that will give you joy and happiness and forget your bad moment of life thanks for this motivational post

yes you are right dear

Very well said my friend :)

I think the negative thoughts can lead us towards the wrong side of the story. As you said remembering a Joy is a good way to chill up. Everyone would have observed when they think about a happy moment spent with their besties. It brings a smile on our face and we feel calmer. In my opinion, the main thing is our thoughts if they are positive we will live a joyous life. :)

you always sharing proper experience on your blog.. mooth and easy, the obstacles we will face in the future for that emotion of our souls we must also strengthen in the self to the good direction, remember the happiness of the people we love is very important then never give up from failure.thanks to sharing for your best thought...dear..@javybar

Very truw my friend, the happiness and joy out love ones matter :)

yeah,friend..this is a very excellent commrnt dear..@javybar

Wonderful contribution to all of us. Thabk you my friend for reading this post.

Thanks for all your appreciations! :)

This post is very motivated and I really like it .
That's totally true Joy is a feeling that our Love uses to get rid of any pain you hold within you..
Pain is not our life . Life is the mixer of good and bad moments but it's not important our bad moments are remember in our life because they give pain and sadness . I think we always remember our good moments of life and find happiness around us .
Thanks for this inspirational post dear @javybar

Very nice. You are very welcome :)

Hola javybar ,el dolor y la alegria,siempre digo que de lo malo hay que sacar algo bueno, hasta en el sufrimiento debemos encontrar algo que nos impulse a seguir adelante ,las alegrias en esta vida son relativamente pocas , no se si es por nuestra forma de ser o por que no las vemos .
Mire por ejemplo , hoy prendi mi computador , busque su publicacion y no estaba , me senti nostalgica y le dije a mi hijo , que le pasaria a javybar
si ve , cuando vi su post me alegre , asi somos los seres humanos , siempre queriendo ver mas alla y negativamente o sera que me gusta preocuparme ja,ja ,ja , de verdad que soy demaciado maternal.
Bendiciones y cuidese mucho javybar :)

Awww muy detallista de su parte. He estado un poco enfermo y pues puse el post un poco tarde, pero muchas gracias por estar en pendiente. :)

I totally agree with you @javybar. Your words always give the motivation and inspiration for me. Thanks. I think without pain, how could we know the joy? Lets Get the joy and happiness in our life

Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.
Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.

Gteat words, thank you

My pleasure

Great words I like it and your explaination is very impressive and beautiful i like it keep it up nice words
If you are able to generate or remember past experiences that brought you Joy at some point, go ahead and try anything you can, specially in hard moments of pain. Pain can be found the same way you are able to find joy. It is totally up to you what to feel today, so your future can be a lot better.

So happy these words can inspire you my friend. It is an honor :)

I agree with you, we get rid of the pain through joy and happiness. Joyful moments comes to our happiness, that all depends on our ways, how to makes moments perfect.

Nice words, thank you :)

Love should bring joy, it should grant a person peace, but here and not, it was bringing only pain..
Wonderful inspiring content @javybar

thank you very much :)

great post my dear friend @javybar,Joyful moments comes to our happiness,thank you for sharing with us,

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