Big Tech Takeover: People Respond To Unprecedented Social Media Censorship


Rise of the totalitarian technocracy - the end of free speech in America?

A new and unprecedented phase of the establishment’s war on free speech kicked into high gear immediately following the storming of the Capitol on January 6. The media and establishment politicians, particularly Democrats, seized on the opportunity to blame Donald Trump and the tens of millions of Americans who believe the presidential election was stolen by fraud, for the mostly peaceful ‘violent mob’ that occupied parts of the Capitol building for several hours. At the same time Big Tech seized on the opportunity to purge the major social media platforms of all dissent against the establishment, starting with President Trump, his followers, and anyone challenging the results of the presidential election and sharing evidence of widespread fraud.


The owners of the same big tech platforms that used their power and influence to interfere with the 2020 election by censoring negative news about Biden and featuring negative news about Trump in the days leading up to the election, and then by censoring anyone challenging the election results on Election Day and beyond, are now purging their social media platforms of Trump, his most prominent supporters, and the most popular users who have been sharing evidence of election fraud.

The technocratic takeover of America launched in the wake of the so-called coronavirus pandemic is now nearing completion, signaled by the single largest censorship campaign in American history, the latest battle in the decades-long establishment war on free speech.

Donald Trump has had his email provider cancel his service to block him from emailing supporters, and the President has also been banned from just about every major social media platform out there, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Snapchat; while Google, Amazon, Apple and other providers have all dropped hosting of Parler following the President joining the independent service, rendering the Parler app practically useless and its members further disenfranchised, and entire platform being punished for allowing free speech to continue there.


Strangely, the same voices who would normally be staunchly opposed to such a rapid and unprecedented move to stifle free speech are now cheering on the massive censorship campaign because it is purging the internet of their political opponents whom they haven’t been able to deal with by any other means.


Free speech under the ‘new normal’ only covers approved speech; political dissent against the system will no longer be tolerated, and those responsible for this madness are private corporations and thus cannot be voted out of office... Needless to say, the 75 million Americans whose voice is no longer allowed to be heard is not too happy with being so disenfranchised, and those who haven’t yet been purged from social media are boldly speaking out against this lates onslaught of tyranny.



Representative Jim Jordan is right when he points out that unity and healing doesn’t happen with cancel culture and impeachment in the final week of Trump’s presidency, but unfortunately the establishment is neither looking to create unity or healing. Nor is this purge limited only to speech, with people beginning to lose their jobs and contracts simply for their political affiliation or willingness to challenge the party line. It’s starting to smell a lot more like communism these days, and more and more people are beginning to notice.



When you disenfranchise some 70 million Americans in this way, you can’t expect to do so without some major blowback. 70 million Americans aren’t just going to go away, or suddenly be fine with giving up their freedoms, or be convinced there was no widespread fraud in the 2020 election just because Facebook and Twitter will now ban anyone who says it was, as it attempt to purge all posts using the “stop the steal” phrase or hashtag.




The push has already begun to label all Trump supporters, believers in election fraud, ‘conspiracy theorists’, dissidents, and freedom lovers as domestic terrorists, with Democrat Rep Bennie Thompson calling for Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz to be put on the no-fly list for ‘inciting’ those who took part in the Capitol ‘siege’ by standing up for election integrity and insisting that Congress look at the evidence of fraud in disputed states before approving those electors!

Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are among those leading the charge to dismiss the some 70 million Americans who believe the election was stolen from them, simply by labeling them all as domestic terrorists, white supremacists, conspiracy nutcases, and terrorist supporters and enablers.



Make no mistake, this is not about getting rid of Trump, this is about silencing dissent, and silencing Trump and his supporters is only the beginning.


Their plans were made clear as soon as the Election Day dust settled, and what we are seeing is simply the climax of the year-long Covid1984 technocratic takeover, using the election chaos to take total control.


Punishing people for dissenting from the mainstream narrative, for asking questions, for political speech and identification is not the kind of behavior seen in a free republic, but rather an Orwellian empire or communist dictatorship. What we are seeing is not democracy in action, it is not a noble leadership stopping an evil plot to subvert democracy, but rather a hostile takeover of a once-free People, as we witness the last breaths of a dying republic and the rise of a totalitarian regime in its place the likes of which this country has never seen.

This is only the beginning, and it isn’t going to end with Donald Trump, it isn’t going to end with the dozens of congressmen who dared to challenge the fraudulent election results, and it isn’t going to end with Trump supporters; this war on freedom won’t end until the technocrats and politicians waging it are removed from power or until every last bit of remaining dissent against this totalitarian regime is silenced forever.


Freedom or tyranny, which will it be? The choice is ours, but we better make it fast, for time is quickly running out. If we do not act soon, the only remaining options will be be total tyranny or war. Make up your mind, America, and speak out while you still can.

And for an entertaining look at it, JP Sears hits it out of the park again:

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