Will Cryptocurrencies Kill The Socialist Beast?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same time over and over and expect different results.”

Socialism as a system has never worked and will never work.
Just look at all the havoc in Venezuela, where rampant hyperinflation has brought an interesting conundrum: The Government no longer has enough money to pay for printing of money. Obviously Venezuelans, not able to flee physically, flee to bitcoins.

I have always heard that 2 things in life is certain: death and taxes.
Certainly it is in Norway.

Norway is one of the most Socialistic states in the world, with an extremely high tax rate.

Norway is a Good country to live in, but people are very depended on the Government for basically everything.

You should just go with the flow (The Law of Jante). Officially we have freedom of speech, but in reality the media is extremely leftist, and in the work space you have purple-haried SJWs trolling from the HR departments. In my view this hamper the creativity of most Norwegians I meet.

The very tight coupling between the Socialist regime and the banks, leads to very loose lending practices and artificially inflated property prices.
For example in Oslo it is almost impossible for a teacher to own a property.

Also the State funded ‘Boligbygg’ drives up the property prices in the most Posh area in Oslo, Frogner, overbidding lawful Citizens, with their own hard earned money, that need a place to live, and instead filling the property up with refugees.
Of course we must help, but If you come from a war zone, do you really need to stay in the most expensive part of the town?

The other problem with Socialism is that there is no real incentive to work hard. The Pareto law states that 20% of the employees contribute to 80% of the results, but in Norway the salaries are very egalitarian. An inexperience junior doctor earns about the same (or even more) as a senior MD.

There are many funny taxes in Norway. My favourite is the famous ‘Kringkastingsavgiften’ (Broadcasting fee), which I got Yesterday (1433 NOK) to be able to watch NRK for 6 months. NRK is the state owned channel, that may be appealing to certain people. I never look at NRK though, so I would rather lit my money on fire.

As a grand finale, recently, the Socialist rule in Oslo introduced property tax, of course, the ‘Rich’ are the only one taxed.
The tax are used to cover loan costs because of hordes of immigrants that basically need everything covered by the State.
The problem is of course that many that own very expensive appartments are pensioners, and only Rich on paper, and do not have a lot of income, so they are forced to sell. Very sad indeed.

The beacon is the City states in the medieval Europe, such as the Republic of Venice. They were Antifragile. Somewhat similar to Cryptos today, many cities had their own coins and barter trades were common. They prospered and contributed to art, freedom of speech and modern culture that we still benefit from today.

The best thing about cryptocurrencies is that it is decentralised.
When the government can no longer control the money supply (or direction) they can no longer tax us or make us dependent on them, i.e. enslave us.

Of course, I love my country, but it used to be the land of Vikings.

It will be interesting to see how the Liberstad free city project is going to play out. Maybe not intentional, but it certainly looks like a City state. Antifragile. Stay tuned:)

Follow me:@janusface


I guess in true essence cryptocurrencies are a socialism killer.
As you said, since they are decentralised it is one of the things they find harder to regulate and control but they probably try to limit it in some sort of way.

I guess this is one of those things they can not limit

Hopefully yes, just matter of time.

Great! As a fellow norwegian I laughed pretty good :)

We should definitely invest in some "NAVcoins" (which actually exist and can be traded on poloniex) Followed btw!

No, it won't kill it, because it is a mindset.

I am sure their upcoming SocialCoin with the unique feature of 50% flowing To 'The Great Central Organisation' annualy will do just fine.

Aaah: SocialCoin is a real thing, market cap only $4,096. Seems like Socialism does not work in the real world:)

Of course. It is the intention that someone else pays for it.

Hi, thank you for sharing, I'm following you ^^


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