Scorpion King

in #animal6 years ago


Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas,
land of the rattlesnake, scorpion, wild hog, coyote and a host of
other creatures that you probably don't want to associate with!

Scorpion King is not a title that I ever sought but I think I earned it
anyway after how many I've killed the last few years.

For those newer readers who don't know the situation, when we got
here the place had sat abandoned for 8 long years and nature had
pretty much taken it over so we had to take it back.

The biggest critter problem we faced is scorpions. I mean those
things were everywhere inside and out. We sprayed, we had
professionals spray, nothing seemed to stop them.

We've never been able to take our shoes off because you never know
when they're going to be around and you always have to check your
shoes before putting them on too because shoes are a favorite place
for them to hide.

So are blankets, clothing, they love beds and getting under the sheets
and covers! We had to buy drinking glasses and glass bowls for the
furniture and beds because scorpions can't climb up glass.
In fact it's about the only thing they can't climb.


There are companies in Texas that will come out and clad the bottom
couple feet of your house with glass so the scorpions can't climb up
the walls.

We finally started making progress and after killing 10 or 15 each
day inside the house we were thinning them out, it got down to
seeing maybe 1 or 2 a day. Then that went down to 1 or 2 per week.

But lately the rate has been about 1 per month after spreading
poison on the lawns surrounding the house.

Then last night I saw this guy on the side of the house at about
eye level:

scorp 2.jpg
Yeah I interrupted his dinner as he was chowing down on a
cricket. He fell down on onto the deck when I got close to him
with the camera, but he didn't let go of the cricket!


Then this morning I got into the laundry room and this is what I


He was fast too but paused just long enough for me to get a good
shot of him. Then if those guys weren't enough, Mrs. J goes to
look at the pool and sees another one at the bottom of the pool.

pool scorp1.jpg

pool scorp.jpg

Sorry the photos of the scorpion under water didn't come out very
well but you get the idea. Just when I was starting to relax and even
going without shoes a couple of times! lol.

If anyone knows of a secret weapon against these things let me know.
And if anyone has other critters they can't get rid of lets talk about
that too.

thanks for reading folks, God bless you all!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

ps- ya might just be a redneck if:

Yer mom calls ya over t'help, cause she has a flat tire...on her house!



I don't think I can ever live in a place like that. I would go mad. lol

what place? Texas? hahaha! well we found out that very few people have scorpions here, alot of people have never seen one, it just depends on the soil in your area. and ours likes scorpions. lol.

But our neighbor less than half mile away don't have any.

I see. Oh well. Be careful of them. :-)

hahaha..howdy there rabonee..thanks for dropping by and commenting.. well said!

I hate scorpions too ;/

Okay. If you were ever encouraging me to move to Texas, that pretty much squelched it right there. No way my wife is going to want to deal with any of that, and she grew up with rats and giant cockroaches. :) Okay, not quite that bad, but she's seen her share of critters.

Plus, my youngest, who is pretty much jumpy around any bug, but particularly spiders, wouldn't ever want to come over. Right now, he's the only with a grandchild so we can't have that.

Plus, who wants to be killing scorpions all day, every day?

What about electrocution or flamethrowers? TNT? Gasoline? You're in redneck country. Get creative. :)

hahaha! Well when we got here we were amazed that no one had problems with them like we were having, lots of people had never seen one so it's just in certain types of soil is what we found out. And they like ours. lucky us. lol.

So you could come and probably never ever see one!
And even our situation is down to just one or two a month, except for yesterday and today but I'm hoping that was a fluke.

He’s a dead man walking with them Scotland around crypto! I’m heading on fundition to get two lizards funded 🦎🦎. He can call one wild bill and the other Doc Holiday. Maybe he can train them and put them on a leash!

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hahaha! train them suckers to kill scorpions? that's a good one blanchy I wonder if they eat scorpions? I bet they do. good idea!

Yikes, janton, there must be a colony of scorpions living on your property. I can see why you and Mrs J are always vigilant. Keep those shoes on!

howdy angiemitchell! yes Ma'am I don't know where these dang things come from but putting poison on the lawns almost eliminated them but not quite so we don't know where the few are coming from. Hopefully not from inside the walls.

I know this sounds daft but can you spray inside walls?

oh well yes if you could get inside of them but ours are all sealed up. I don't think we have them inside the walls though. Hopefully these last ones we saw were a fluke and we are still at the rate of seeing one or two a month inside which is a huge improvement and hopefully eventually we can get that number down more.

Jesus Christ ! 😱😱! scorpions ?? And tell me this . If they hit you with their tail stinger thing would you be ok or require treatment??

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It is more dangerous for elderly gentleman so Janton will be ok for a few more years lol.

haha! yes! that's right sir cryptoandcoffee, I keep telling people that even though I have a 21 year old grandson who is joining steemit, I'm not really that old! lol. usually people have grandkids in their 70s.

haha..yes sir blanchy we are lucky that ours aren't the real deadly kind, ours are just the painful kind. I haven't been stung but lots of ranchers around here told me that it hurts like hell and might swell up a little with a red lump but you'll be fine.

The rancher that told me that had been stung 8 or 9 times. lol.
he's the same guy with the .357 Magnum six shooter in my dog hero story. were you around for that one? amazing true story.

so no if you're a Texan you shrug it off. if you're a snowflake you go screaming and cryin to the doctor who will be a Texas doctor who will tell you to shrug it off! lol.

I wouldn't want to turn around and see one of those suckers at eye level. I have an ant problem. I got rid of them a couple years ago but they seemed to have regrouped and are back with vengeance.

howdy there rentmoney! yeah ants suck too. We kill them all the dang time and they multiply like crazy a few months later, our lawns are full of big ant hills.

I'm most glad I don't have them here AT all...!!!!!!!
I will take the bears ANY day..!!!!!
which truly is not a good comparsion..
because I like the bears.

ha! what? you like bears? what kind of bears and they can be pretty dangerous can't they?
these things aren't dangerous they're just creepy.
The soil must not be right for them because they love wood homes. especially fresh wood or new construction they really like for some reason.

Do they have any natural predators?

well howdy sir enginwitty..yes sir chickens like them and guineas do too. In fact we raised a group of guineas so they'd keep the lawns around the house free of them and the dang coyotes ate the guineas. it's a rough ecosystem! lol.

Maybe a few german shephards or something to accompany the birdies?

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yes that would be great but ours, Jack here, we could never get him trained to leave the birds alone! lol.

we tried everything, he was crazy to catch those things so we had to keep him separate from them.
here's Jack:
jack (1).jpg

Wooo am I glad I didn't move to Texas! Hey, I never heard of the glass trick. Pretty nifty. I'm glad you shared that for future reference if I ever have to deal with those little guys.

haha! yes glass defeats them every time. Well when we got here we were amazed that no one had problems with them like we were having, lots of people had never seen one so it's just in certain types of soil is what we found out. And they like ours. lucky us. lol.

Wow. LOL! 😎 ❤️

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