
I got into the financial part of that when I was working on my MBA and it has been a point of fascination ever since. The simple fact that the US does not have its own money is mind boggling! The Dollar is an IOU issued by the Federal Reserve Bank (that is neither a Federal bank nor does it have a reserve) and it is not an obligation of the US!

Treasury bills are IOUs we issue to get cash to spend. Everything goes on our credit card and we make interest only payments with no possibility of paying anything on the card balance!

Pure financial insanity, and people don't pay any attention!

On top of that, we are going to "borrow" another trillion dollars more this year than we will have in revenue and no one blinks an eye that we already are 20 trillion in the hole - 60 trillion if you include the obligations the US has that don't show on the books! We even borrow the money every year to pay the interest on what we already owe! How's that going to work out?

You could not have all that as a believable plot in a bad movie!

I'm proud to see that the Great State of Texas has started its own central bullion depository in Leander where you can deposit your gold and silver to back verified transactions when the Dollar becomes useless and the banking system implodes one Friday night.

HODL and keep on stacking!

howdy today @willymac! yes sir, Texas has been working for a long time to be able to stand on it's own if things collapse such has having their own Fort Knox with actual gold in it and our electric grid stands on it's own in case the rest of the country goes down.

yes I understand about the finances, and it seems like I read that with derivatives included in the debt it's something incomprehensible like 200 trillion or something like that! lol.

and so it is your opinion that it could collapse at any time?

Yes, any time. More closer than farther away. When the Dollar loses reserve currency status, maybe this fall.

With derivatives, it is one quadrillion dollars, since all banks will be caught when the dominoes fall in a few minutes. That is why it is beyond belief. Anyone with money in a commercial bank will have zero. It actually is not theirs anyway, even if it was real money in their bank, and that is something else people don't focus on.

Texas will have a depository with real gold, as opposed to Ft Knox that once had gold before it was all re-hypothicated out.

That, along with a disconnected power grid, a decent sea port, oil and nat gas. And Texans!

It really is frightening to see how fragile it all is and how massive a failure would be.

And that's my positive outlook for it :)

hahaha! I'm glad you're so cheery about it!
where do we keep our money then, and does it matter what bank? ours is a locally owned bank, not a national one

you think we will lose the Reserve Currency status that soon?

If the big banks fail, the Dollar will fail, and even the well run, smaller banks will fail because they deal in dollars. It will be the same thing that happened to the Confererate money after the Civil War.

Over a dozen countries have signed trade agreements to begin doing business in Yuan, ant ar some point the Saudis will join in ans a few trillion dollars will come back home and the US economy will be up to its knees in dollars no one needs.

Or, A big bank could trip over a derivative, its counterparty bank could fail, and a cascade of dead banks would follow. That could happen any timel

Stack bullion in a hole somewhere and hope.

Or, maybe Divine intervention will prevent it all. I can't think of anything else that would stop it.

howdy this fine Sunday @willymac! Well sir this is a depressing topic for Sunday but it sure is important to understand.
So do you just keep a small amount in the bank to operate your household on?
you are saying we shouldn't keep savings in the bank?
oh, and the Fed can't make up money out of thin air and loan it to the banks if they get in trouble?
sorry for all the questions but this is pretty alarming, I think you should do a series of posts on this.

Hey, Tex! Yep, it is a disturbing subject and it gets downright scary the more you learn about how fragile banks are. Of course the govt can borrow more money to give to the bank but all that does is add to the debt on the national credit card that we already can't pay off. Besides, why should the citizens bail out a bank that made bad business decisions to keep it in business if they would not do that for Joe's garage down the street? Why should a bank business have an immunity from their own failure?

Keeping a minimum in the bank means that is all you will lose. Getting extra cash out means it is not in the banking system and at risk.

Think about the basic flaw of a bank telling the govt, "I made bad decisions and I lost money and I'm gonna fail."

The govt says, "okay, Bank, here is an extra computer zero. Add it to your cash on hand balance in your computer."

The bank types a zero on the right side of their cash on hand amount and they suddenly have ten times as much money on hand. Now, they can make more loans like crazy and all is well.

Will walks in and asks for a loan to buy a used tractor and the bank adds $6,000 to his account by keying in $6000 after Will signs a paper saying he will repay.

Will goes to the tractor dealer and writes a check for $6,000 and takes the tractor home.

The tractor dealer goes to the same bank and deposits the check in his business account, increasing it by $6,000.

The bank now has $6,000 - 10%, or $5,400 more dollars it can loan to someone else!

Does it seem like maybe something is wrong with all that?

Is anything actually backing the transaction?

no sir, not a thing is backing any of their transactions!
the scary part is that all could collapse at any time!
keep informing and educating sir Willymac.

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