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RE: Five Reasons NOT To Leave Sugar Water Bee Feeders Outside

in #nature6 years ago

howdy there @steemonkey! well, you probably know that we are in the Great Plains of North Texas in a rural area so there are tons of wildflowers around but I don't know if they are the type that bees use.

However, one of our former President's wives, Laura Bush, has a big program where they are planting the flowers which helps the bees..they are planting them all over the state so things are improving for the bees, which I know is vital.
I just hope our modern advances like the 5g waves don't hurt them.
what are tree bees? obviously they are different than regular bees?


Hello again. Tree bees are a type of bumblebee but they have a white tail. They are new to the UK having been first seen over here in 2001. They're found across Europe and Asia. It seems I am lucky to have them visit.

howdy again @steemonkey! well, it looks like it's more than a visit if they are an invasive species. I just hope they are a good species to have live there, they must be right? and they picked your house!

It seems the jury is still out on the tree bees. Our native bumblebee is in decline so many see this species as a welcome replacement. They certainly seem harmless. I spoke to a bee expert on the phone a few years ago when I noticed they had nested on my house. He said they were harmless and to be welcomed. He said they would do no damage and be gone in a few weeks. He was right and they've nested in the same place for the last 3 years now. Every spring I find a handful of male bees dancing around a small hole on the side of the house all trying to attract a queen. They're interesting to observe.

howdy today @steemonkey! well that is so interesting, especially the way the males attract the females! hey were do you find a bee expert? I mean, who do bee experts work for, a University? sounds like an interesting profession.
and these bees obviously like your house but the main attraction are the flowers that you have nearby right?

I rang the council when I saw them nesting on the side of the house. They gave me the number of the bee man as they had been having quite a few calls about them. They must like the little space in the wall cavity that they found. I live only a couple of hundred metres from a park with thousands of flowers so that's probably their main food source. I don't know where they go off to but they're only here for a few weeks.

howdy again @steemonkey! that is so cool that they have started coming every year to your house! I hope they thrive and increase.

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