
LMAO! I like that!!! Silly of me to tell him huh? LMAO!

Maybe I should make a video. Only I already walked away. But I walked away from the entire establishment going stateless.

You SHOULD make a video about that! Talk about what that means and what led you to make that decision. Name it something like "Walking Out Of Babylon" or something like that. Yeah you should. I would find it very interesting. If not, then maybe a series of blogs that guide us through the process you went through. A map if you will. OH, yeah! Rainbow Man has a story to tell. There's people out there contemplating it and would appreciate your experience. Yup. Gotta do it dude!

I couldn't agree more squirrelbait and Rainbow Man!

Anyone else want to chime in?

I'm down and all but I suck at improv. My youtube channel has been documenting my life experience for the past 6 years as a result of walking away LOL. It is redundant to make another video.

Are you putting those videos on DTube? OOO I just found your YouTube channel. Cool. I'll be watching those. I can't find you on DTube.

I have a few dtube videos so far but they don't show up after they pay out. You have to go back and find them in old posts.

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