
We'll, I've broken them a lot too lol

It comes in waves where I'll do real good and then slip for a bit then get back on track. But it's been on a good trend. At one point I was down almost 20#!

Lots of other resolutions have been left behind. Lemme look up the post on my old account...

haha! yes sir but you're succeeding on the one that everyone else always fails on! what old account, steemit?

Here it is lol

Most of them have been discarded so I could focus.

hey nateonsteemit it looks like you're going good, you bought the house, you're working hard on your business although I don't know which business you're talking about but did you read more books?

I think the book I just finished was the first for this year lol

The business is my welding shop, which hasn't ran very hard this year. But the progress we've made has been significant, and there's still three months in the year.

sir nateonsteemit..your welding shop? I thought you worked at a big plant?

I do that for my main gig. My small welding shop
out back is my side hustle :)

All welding, all the time haha

sir nateonsteemit! haha! all welding all the time except when you're doing your homesteading, gardening or chicken sitting! lol. ok so you have a welding shop at home where you do jobs for people, mostly small repair jobs and such?

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