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RE: Casting out demons...FOR REAL...THE FORBIDDEN TOPIC: Is it just for Catholic priests, or...?

in #religion6 years ago

howdy there @mepatriot! well theoretically or I guess I should say theologically any born again Believer has the authority to cast them out and we see it happen quite often, I've seen it happen dozens of times over the years but I've never seen one cast out by a priest though so I don't know their qualifications or process.

Whoever is doing the casting better be not just Spirit-filled with the evidence of speaking in tongues but know who they are in Christ because they can say the right words and the demon might just laugh at them, we've heard about that happening many times too.


Whoa!...Seriously? You've witnessed actual exorcisms done by Protestants, Jon? Was it a pastor, laymen, what?

lots of them actually.. I don't know if you'd call them Protestants, what is your definition of protestant?
we aren't any religion nor do we follow the doctrines of men which denominations go by because they don't believe major sections of the Bible.

Jesus himself would be thrown out of 90% of modern churches today because they reject the Bible. that's why we only go to non-denominational churches...
spirit-filled, led by the Holy Ghost not by doctrines of men which only restricts and limits and shuts OUT the Holy Ghost.

yes we've seen tons of them in services and also seen who knows how many on tv services but these are by Spirit-filled Pastors normally but not always. but the problem with delivering someone from demonic oppression or possession is that you never know what type of entity it's going to be. It could be a little low-level demon that some Believers with strong faith can handle.

But, it might also be a Principality or Stronghold, those are major forces in the demonic kingdom and someone really has to know their authority and know how to allow the Holy Ghost to operate through them, because it's not their power, but He has to have a vessel to work through.

But yes it's very common place in the "world" of the crazy, Spirit-filled, Charismatic! lol. Sometimes the demons will leave, run like crazy just by seeing a very strong Spirit-filled Believer come into the room especially if that Believer is experienced in spiritual warfare because that demon knows and is scared
out of it's wits. But like I said, sometimes it's one heck of a challenge if the entity is a leader and high ranking. well this comment could freak some people out if they aren't familiar with such things. that was an education and half. Thanks, Jon.

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