
About 5 years now :D and with my future plans, add the remaining of my life in it too :D if combined, is it more experience than urs? I tried hard though lol

hahaha! nice try kid. I would have to leave you in the dust I'm afraid. but you could try!

Haha jokes apart, this working in night shifts is so not good for the health. Isn't it ?

no it's just not natural and is hard on your body but when you move back home you won't have to work all night will you?

Am not really sure about that now, If I'l do a job then hopefully not but if I'l have a work of my own or if I become a full time freelancer then am not quite sure

if you are working on your own you will be working around the clock or most of it!

It depends on the work I will be doing, Am not really sure apart from this freelancing thing. Lets see how it goes when I reach home

I bet you can't wait to get back home. Are your parents there?

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