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RE: Queen of the Cowtowns - Dodge City

in #history6 years ago

well well well..Mr. Glass is Half full! lol. mr. optimism.
howdy today Glen... well sir, I don't disagree with any thing you said and I SO hope that you are right about people looking for the truth.

My idea is NOT that half the world are bad apples, I agree that they are a small percentage. I was just saying that half the world don't even believe in our God.

My thinking is that humans are naturally selfish and act in their own interests. We who are truly born again struggle with this but those who aren't saved don't, for the most part, they just do whatever it takes to get themselves ahead in life.

but I so hope that half the world is seeking the light and the truth. I believe there will be a great End Times Revival and I hope it starts in D.C.!


True, half the world has a different belief than any flavor of Christianity. And some of it, the farther East you go, gets more into philosophies or concepts that fashion experience and behavior than focusing in on a being to emulate or follow. It's a little less structured and lot more free form, but in reality, a lot of what's being taught is good, it's just more ethereal and not flowing through anyone, like Christ.

As for the Middle East and many other parts of the world, those folks are generally practicing what seems like to us a very harsh version of an Old Testament religion. More don'ts than dos and a lot more immediate corporal and capital punishment.

In those cases, I wonder just how much of it is belief versus fear of trying anything else.

I know what you're going for with the end times starting in D.C., and that's as good a group as any to start with. Unfortunately, I think we're talking about a lot of death, destruction and suffering everywhere before Christ comes to clean up, and then we're talking the Middle East again. At least first. :)

I'd like to think there's some optimism to it, but it's more of a perspective that things could always be worse, as well as better, and that while things are progressively getting worse, it's more because the majority are allowing the minority to get away with it, because of whatever. Time, their own needs, they're own confusion over the matter, fear, etc.

I could be wrong, but I don't think we're quite at Sodom and Gomorrah with Abraham asking the Lord if he would spare the cities if there's only so many good people left. Then basically whittling it down to the point where Abraham knows he's got to move in and get Lot and his family out of there because there really aren't enough good people there to stay the Lord's wrath.

I can see it coming. That's the direction were headed. As of this moment, though, we're still not there yet.

yes sir...sir Glen..I think, and I know it seems like most people on this platform disagree, but I think we are a long way from the destruction of the country. so many people on here think we are and maybe they're right.
I used to think so but after ..lets see I was in college in 1974 so for 44 years I've heard this talk of the destruction and utter Mad Max situation type talk and I just don't see it as being imminent.

I agree that we should be some type or degree of preppers but I'm not convinced we'll need to be in our lifetimes.
I think we'll have a major revival way before the collapse comes though, I think there is going to be another great period of prosperity and peace for this country ushered in by this coming revival. I really do.

One reason is the tremendous growth of Spirit-filled churches with increased manifestations of works of the Spirit like healings and miracles of all kinds. but that also is one of the signs we have been expecting as part of the End Times scenario.

I agree. The US has been incredibly resilient despite every attempt to knock her down, both foreign and domestic, and I believe it is because there are still enough good people to warrant providence's protection.

I was in grade school in 1974, but as you say, the end of the world is near has been something that's been going on for a long time. Everyone loves to predict it, no one wants to do anything about it, which includes washing their own dirty laundry. If we just all attended to our own business, shored up our own sins and weaknesses, and let others do the same, everything would be fixed.

But we don't even work hard enough on it ourselves, so how can we expect anyone else to do it. The problem isn't 'theirs'. It's 'ours'.

As I said before, being prepared to some degree for various eventualities, especially the smaller ones is just smart. It doesn't have to be major.

I would love for there to be an age of prosperity that lasted for ten or more years. That would be awesome. I'd like to know that it was happening, and I'd like to be a part of it. :) I'm glad to hear you say you believe in such a thing because I've been thinking that there needs to be a greater push for good before it all comes to an end. It might be happening and I'm missing the boat on that one, too.

yes sir I believe that we will see it soon and don't worry you won't miss it, everyone in the world will know about it. I believe that inspite of our many sins as a nation that God will use America even more in a final, world-wide revival and it will be America's greatest time, her Golden Age for a period.. to be used to the maximum in order to fulfill her purpose and calling which is to be a light unto the nations and to spread the Gospel to all people everywhere.

I know that's not what the globalists have in mind for us but they will be thwarted.. at least for a time.

May it be so. I was expecting it to happen sooner, though, given all that is happening in the Middle East and elsewhere. I don't have a clue when all of this ends. I just know that we are in the last days, and at some point, everything comes to a close. :)

yes sir I know, nothing is more confusing than listening to people who have studied the End Times debate things! and they all make sense when they present their point of view, so I give up on alot of that.

If they're predicting dates, that's a buyer beware moment, since no one knows the time save the Father. But when the Lord comes know one knows. It will be like a thief in the night. Or something like that. I don't mind people speculating, but when they say such and such a date at such and such a time, well, that's just not theirs to know.

However, I think there's plenty revealed in Revelation and elsewhere where it gives a pretty good timeline of how things will be preceding the second coming, so if that's what we're talking about, we can get a close idea once certain things start to happen. Those events need to take place first, though, before you get to an approximate date. Unfortunately, that's when things get pretty scary, too. :)

yes sir, can't agree more. I never listen to anyone naming dates.
yeah if we are here to see some of the major prophecies be fulfilled
concerning the End Times it will be shocking!
sometime it's gonna happen, might as well be ours.

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